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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Properties Of Water Solvency Drops on Glass Drops on Wax Paper Of the three surfaces in the experiment, thewax paper was the most hydrophobic, and theglass was the most hydrophilic. When water isnot on a surface, its cohesive forces minimizeits volume, and cause it to take the shape of asphere. This is why when the water was placedon the hydrophobic wax paper, its adhesion withthe water was weak and didn't interfere with the cohesive forces, and the shape resembled a sphere.When the water was placed on the hydrophilic glass, the forces of adhesion were stronger than the forcesof adhesion, and the water was more attracted to theglass than it was itself. The shape was flatter and more spread out as a result of the adhesive forces. The paper was hydrophilic, and attracted the water molecules with its strong forces ofadhesion. The water roseagainst gravity as it was pulledup by its force of attraction tothe paper, but gravity did play apart too. As the water got higher up the paper, its absorption ratesteadily decreased. The ink rose with the water up the paperbecause it was polar. It was a solvent, and attached to the water molecules with adhesive forces.It was the water climbing the paper,and the ink was just dragged up withit. 1) If Oxygen and Hydrogen had equal electro negativity, the water moleculeswould not be cohesive. Their melting and boiling points would be lower because there would be no hydrogen bond to break, and thus less energy would be needed. 3) A water strider's legs are coated with ahydrophobic substance that gives it the ability to 'float' on top of water. The substancerepels water, thus keeping it on the surfaceof the water. If the legs were coated with a hydrophilic substance, the water strider would not stay on top of the water. Instead, it would be pulled under, since the legs would adhere to the water, and be attracted to it. Time (min.) | Distance 0 | 10 mL 5 | 24.5 mL 15 | 31 mL 20 | 36 mL 25 | 40 mL Drops on Quarter Water molecules are polar, and thus have a positive and negative dipole. The positivelycharged portion of one water molecule willattract to the negative portion of another,forming a hydrogen bond. A single water molecule can have up to four hydrogen bonds.This force of attraction between the particles iscalled cohesion. Detergent weakens thecohesiveness of water. In a detergent molecule,there is a hydrophilic end and a hydrophobic end.The hydrophilic end attaches to water molecules,but the hydrophobic end repels them. Since insteadof all the molecules being attracted to one anotherthere are forces of repulsion present, the strengthof cohesion between the molecules is weakened. Hydrophobic: A property of a molecule that causes it to repel from waterHydrophilic: A property of a molecule that makes it interact with or be dissolved by water. 2) The molecule of a detergent has a hydrophobic end and a hydrophilic end. Detergent's hydrophobic end adheres to oil and grease while the hydrophilic end attaches to water molecules. It also lowers the surface tension of water. Detergent will attach to the grime, but won't do anything else. Physicalenergy is needed to pull the grime away form the surface, and into the rest of the water. Rinsing will then wash the detergent away. 4) When water freezes in fruits, its volume expands. The frozen water punctures the membranes of the cells, and kills them. As a result, the cell won't be able to perform photosynthesis or cellular respiration, and no ATP would be produced.The cells would die, and the sturcture of the fruit would weaken. It would fall offthe tree due to gravity, and the seeds wouldnot travel. They would grow where they fell,being under the tree, and die due to lack of light and nutriends. By: Ryan, Shifat, Kate, Sam Discussion Adhesion Cohesion
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