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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Renaissance Humanism Sharing information and writting booksquickly as possiblewas realised byJohann Gutenberg (1399-1468) During the RenaissanceThey developed new ideas make new discovery and the Educat they stared studying ancient document and others subjectand that made them lear more. their painting reflected Humanism, they became more interested in the world around them, than alwaysthinking of the afterlife and just believe They started creating more realistic image of the human cause they had a better understanding of the human body.They started being respected for their creativityand get paid more for their work. Art Religion Before the Renaissance, The education foEuropean was aplied by the RomanCatholic Church. Itfocused on grammar, rhetoric and logic. Most of the bookswas kept in libraries it was like the EuropeKnowledg, it kept education alive. After the fall of the Rpman empire, many cities nade an alliance and give suport to a central monarch peasent were allowed to have their own house but they couldn't move to any other place.pepole could do things give their opinion and do some things by themself. «Most Historian see the European Renaissance as the period in time when the Western Worldview was born. Before the Renaissance the church was in in charge of education system and controlled the government. A new philosophy called Humanism beacame popular cause pepole had contact between each other along the Silk Road. painting, sculpture, design, architecturand other fine arts they all canged with the renaissance.Renaissance artist developed new styles, techniques,materials and they changed their worlviews. Social Mobility Science Technology Leonardo da vinci made many thingsthat advanced scienceHe began dissecting Human cadavers once the pope allowed it. Now science isway more advanced,God is not the reason of all, Leonardo reallyhelped cause he let many important and detailed notesthat are used by physicians. Before:Science questioning was discouraged cause it would be against God, he was the reason of all.The earth was the center of the universcause God made the eaarth. Before:Science questioning was discouraged cause it would be against God, he was the reason of all.The earth was the center of the universcause God made the eaarth. Before, all was made by hands then they madethe printing press. No other invention has changed the world as the printing press. Education Before th RenaissanceThey believed that individuals should follow the rules, rituals and teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.During th RenaissanceThey believed that individuals should question and respond to the Bible personallySome of themwanted to see the reform but didn't want to abreak from the Roman Catholic Church. To want that, this desirebeacme basiclly the Protestant Reformation During the RenaissanceMore pepole neededto learn to read, write and to do arthimetic.They had new ideas about how the city should function
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