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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 1700's 1800's 1900's 1990's 2000's 1600's Reformation inspiresreligious followers tolog their sins and praises, often on a paper dividedinto two columns. Improved bookkeepingmethods leads torecord keeping/logsin other jobs and life(e.g. midwifery, health,finances, weather). Record Keeping New technology allowsfor writers to connectto an audience, leads tofeedback and creation of an internet identity(i.e. "about-me" pages). Identity Formation Literary and politicalmovements emphasizejournaling as a form ofexpression and exploration, written with the intent of reading later in life forreflection. Individualism/Romanticism Connections Web-logs and Video-logs popular, used to connect to other diaries, media adopts diary style of record keeping to connect audience to more information as well as multiple posts per day. Devotional Writing O'Sullivan, C. (Spring 2005). Diaries, On-line Diaries, and the Future loss to Archives; or, Blogs and the Blogging Bloggers Who Blog Them. The American Archivist, 68(1), 53-73. How Do We Journal in the Modern World? Observation and Reflection Rise of women and the middle class causes increased literacy rates. A new group of people now have the time and education to journal (popular for adolescents in schools,especially girls, for artists, and for scientists). Paperno, I. (Oct 2004). What Can Be Done With Diaries. Russian Review, 63(4), 561-573 Serfaty, V. (Dec 2004). Online Diaries: Towards a Structural Approach. Journal of American Studies, 38(3), 457-471. A Brief History of Journal Writing Blogs and Vlogs: Why Journaling in the Modern World is Important Works Cited Weblogs started as a list of linksto other sites. Later, commentarywas added to form blogs. Itintroduces expression throughmedia, links images, text. It isMore accessible because of homepages, bio pages and multiple posts per day. Blogs area merger of journaling traditionsand the potential of the Internet This public journal and itsuse for individual and groupdevelopment are importantfor historians. Journals are a reflection of cultural norms, discovery, attitudes, beliefs,technology, and humanity. They are valuable resources for studying people and culture. This public journal and itsuse for individual and groupdevelopment are importantfor historians. Journals are a reflection of cultural norms, discovery, attitudes, beliefs,technology, and humanity. They are valuable resources for studying people and culture. Using Internet allows users topost and communicate withbloggers, leading to co-productionof an identity and formation of a social community. Journaling iscodependent, shaped by recreatinglife in the blog, interpreting the story, and responding to life. Nemo. Church. Image. Pixabay. Pixabay, August 2014. Web. 16 Oct 2014. 4 Important Facts About the Evolution of Journal Writing 2. Methods are built upon and combined, not abandoned 3. Journaling is heavily influenced by culture and technology 4. Diary writing becomes less elite, private, and formal over time 1. Journaling is tied to perception of self
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