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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 2010s Today, jurors areselected regardless of"race, gender, nationaloritin, age, or politicalaffiliation." However, in voir dire,the final selection process,the court attourney mayexclude a certain number ofjurors from the court"without giving a reason."This is called peremtory strike. Racially biased use of peremptory strikes in jury seletion remains widespread despite the U.S. Supreme Court's1986 decision in "Batson v. Kentucky" which limited racially discriminatory use of peremptory strikes. 80 % of African Americansqualified for jury servicehave been struck inHouston County, Alabama 80% 25 Alabama appellate courtshave found illegal raciallydicriminatory jury selectionin 25 death penalty casesin recent years "Our workforce includesqualified individuals withbackgrounds, cultures, andtraditions that reflect ournation's rich diversity ... wehave implemented a Depart-ment-wide DiversityManagement Plan." - U.S. Department of Justice Wrongful Convictions & the Reasons Behind However, in the voir dire,a final process of selection, the court attourney alsomay exclude a certainnumber of jurors from thecourt "without giving areason". This is called"peremptory strike." The Justice System Wrongfully convicted individuals may experience ... inadequatelegal counsel, ... a lack of financial resources to offset the prosecutorialresources of the state, or racial bias on the part of the police, jury,prosecutor, or judge. 1940s The Legislative Branch Prior to the 1940s, only African-Americans had ever enteredthe U.S. Senate. For decades, minoritieshad been deprived of their voice in government lawmaking.They are convicted for innocent actions which whitesarbitrarily determined to be crimes. 2 Hiram R. RevelsR - Mississippi1870 - 71 (right) Blanche K. BruceR - Mississippi1875 - 81 (left) Discriminatory lawsagainst African-Americans include theJim Crow Law passedin Tennessee, 1870. The Supreme Court, inPlessy v. Ferguson,establishes the "separatebut equal" doctrine thatjustifies legal segregationin the South. Meanwhile, the law didalmost nothing againstthousands of lynchingsin the South. An unjust law is no law at all.- St. Augustine Overall, although the justice system hasgreatly improved by the 21st century,miniorities still suffer injustice in manylegal processes such as juror selectionand access to legal counsel. By the 1940s, miniorities still sufferedfrom discrimination or other disadvantage in the government legal & justice system. Furthermore, minorities suffered more from poverty, thus inadequate financialresources for legal counsel. In the mid-20th century,the mean household incomeof each African-Americanfamily was sometimes lessthan half of that of a whitefamily. The issues of poverty and inadequate legalcounsel persist among the minority population. In 2013, the poorest whitehouseholds have a meanincome of $18238 per familyper year while that numberfor an African-Americanfamily is merely $7083. Charlie Pan Charlie Pan
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