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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Prohibition 1920's The Pathological Classroom Speakeasies became popular after prohibition came into effect. Speakeasies were illegal establishments, like bars, where most working class Americans who opposed Prohibition would go to when they wanted to drink alcohol. Prohibition had been the objective of the temperance movement. The temperance movement consisted of Christians and wives. The wives of the alcohol consumers were tired of they them spending all of the family's money on booze and they were also tired of the domestic violence that followed after the alcohol consumption. The women also established the "WCTU", Woman's Christian temperance Union in Cleveland, Ohio. There was an abundance of bootleggers aka Rum Runners (smugglers of alcohol) in the 1920's. Bootlegging was very popular because the smugglers were paid so much. "Rum running" 18th amendment. The primary goal of the 1920's Prohibition was reducing alcohol consumption of workers. The business community wanted more stable and sober workers. Wine was the only drink of middle class Americans in the 1920's. However the working class American's socialized in saloons and opposed the 18th amendment all together. People protesting against the 18th amendment. The Well Managed Classroom Temperance Movement On January 6, 1920 the 18th amendment went into effect. This meant that all production, sale, transportation, importation and exportation of alcohol was restricted. Speakeasies Primary Goal Bootleggers / Rum Runners
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