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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Proposed Changes Challenges double click to change this header text! 2. Delayed Assignments of NTDs 0 20 40 60 80 100 8/1-8/14 8/15 - 8/31 9/1-9/14 9/15-9/30 10/1-10/14 10/15 - 10/31 11/1 - 11/14 % of Beginning Teachers with a NTD 1. Provide PD for all Administrators built into ALI. Specifically target APs, DIs and other school leaders while also inviting PHMs, DNAs, SPs, and other district administrative leaders. 2. Invite any interested BTU member to complete the NTD Interest Form by March 2015 in order to support school leaders in identifying and selecting interested candidates in their schools or neighboring schools. 5. Implement the NTC Professional Learning Series (NTDtraining) as they are designed in 8 full day PD sessions through the year. Provide separate training for returning and new NTDs. 6. Offer the first 2 days of PLS 1 twice in August for NTDs who wish to begin their training before beginning their work with their Beginning Teachers. Additionally, host weekly NTD orientation sessions through September toensure proper support early in the year. 4. Offer all NTD trainings to any interested, qualified NTD candidates, with approval of their PHMs. By doingso, train a cohort of prepared NTDs who can be called upon when BeginningTeachers are hired. 1. Communication with School Leaders 3. Current PT NTD Selection Model and Expressed Interest of PT NTDs 24% 24% 76% NTDs who applied for the position NTDs who were assigned to the position 48% NTDs who reported being "voluntold" or pressured into the position 0 50 100 150 200 Responses Initial Communication of responding NTDs are assuming additional leadership roles beyond their full-time classroom teaching responsibilities and their NTD positions. Over of NTDs report that time for is one the greatest challenges of being a part-time NTD. 80% 45% 7. Highlight PD opportunities beginning at NTI to ensure NTDs, BTs and administrators all have access to high-quality support around induction. 8. In addition to the ALI PD for administrators, offer follow-up PD (3 hour session) in the fall and again in the winter. 9. Host NTD Forums in small groups 4 - 5 timesthroughout the year to provide collaboration and support opportunities in small group settings. 10. Understanding it may not be feasible, werecommend hiring a small group full-release NTDs who can support targeted schools inneed of more substantial support. 3. In order to increase the quality, diversity and depth of the potential PT NTD candidate pool, advertise the PT NTD teacher leadership opportunity in the BTU bulletin, OHC Dispatch, Superintendent's Bulletin, and among current NTDs, Lead Teachers, NBCT and professional networks. 4. Time Constraints on Full Time Teacher NTDs
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