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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Finally, once the assessment is running, the proctor will monitor the students desktop, their environment and also theirconduct. Any unusual behaviour is logged and a response is made accordance with the specifications included in the ADF.Typically a student is first warned so that they may rectify their behaviour, if the behaviour continues then the proctor canuse their judgement to gather enough evidence (photos and screenshots) to report back to the institution. The examination rules are read out by theproctor and the student is invited to loginto the assessment application. Student asked to adjust areato comply with the rules. Student absence logged. ProctorU will contact the student via telephone. Students are prompted to download and run thesoftware that will connect their webcam anddesktop to a live proctor. The following checkswill take place: Module leader makes a request for remote live invigilation via ProctorUs online assessment directive form (ADF).Module leader invites students to go online and book anassessment slot within the window of opportunity specifiedin the ADF. Student books assessment slot and email confirmationsent to both student and module leader. Identity check: students are asked to present a government oracademic photo identification card. The proctor checks that thephoto and name on the card match with the person who hasscheduled the appointment and is present onscreen via webcam. ProctorU - How it works 24 hours prior to the exam, an email reminder is sent to students togetherwith full instructions on how to login or request help Did the student log in? Yes No Was there an answer? No Did the student comply with this check? No Yes Yes Challenge questions: US citizens are required to answer aseries of multiple-choice challenge questions based on publicrecords; Non-US citizens are typically required to present asecond form of photo identification. Digital photo: The proctor takes a digital photo of the studentand stores this on the ProctorU system for future reference.If there is already a photo on file, the proctor will compare itto the person onscreen. Following authentication, students are asked to pan over theirwork area using their web cam and hold a reflective surfaceto the camera to ensure there are no disallowed materials orpersons present. Pre-Assessment Authentication Process Assessment Process Upon refusal of rules the exam willbe terminated and the module leaderwill be informed.
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