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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Diplomatic Powers drag and drop icons,shapes, text or upload your own from our extensive library of artwork double click on textto edit or change TEXT Presidential Powers Executive Powers MIlitary Powers Legislative Powers Judicial Powers Executing The Law: As a chief executive the president carries out the provisions of the federal law. The Presidents power to execute the law covers all federal laws.They cover many subject matters. The armed forces, social security, gun control, minimum wages, affirmative action, environmental protection, air traffic safety, immigration, housing, and taxes. In executing and enforcing law, the executive branch also interprets it.Ordinance Power: This power issues the executive order issues and arises from two sources, the Constitution and acts of congress. The president has thepower to issue orders as well as implement them. The president also has the powerto authorize his people to issue orders.The Appointment Power: Acting alone, the president names only a handful of 2.7 million civilian employeesWith Senate consent the president names most of the top ranking officers to the federal government, amongthem are 1) ambassadors and other diplomats 2) cabinet members and their top aides 3) The heads of such independent agencies 4) all federal judges 5) all officers in the armed forces.The Removal Power: The President has the authority to remove government officials but doesn't extend to the officials of the quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial agencies. The Power to Make Treaties: The presidents job is to negotiate the treaties and then the senate must give its approval, by 2/3 voteof members present. The constitution requires the Senate's "Advice and Consent" toa treaty made by the President.Executive Agreements: A pact between the President and the head of the foreign state. These agreements do not require Senate consent. The President can make these agreements without congressional action.The Power Of Recognition: The President is acting for the United States, the legal existence of that country and its government. Military Powers Many people say the constitution gives the president the power to make war without the declaration of war by congress, but some people disagree. 1) Within 48 hours after committing American Forcesto combat abroad, the Presidentmust report to Congress.2)Combat commitment must endwithin 60 days, unless Congressagrees to a longer period.3) Congress may end the combatcommitment at any time, by passing a concurrentresolution to that effect. The provision in Article II, section 3of the Constitution gives the President what is called a message power. The President sends the lawmakers a number of other messages on a wide range of topics. On each of these topics,the President on Congress to enact those laws he thinks to benecessary to the welfare of the country. The Veto Power: The president is presented with four options when he receives a measure passed by congress. First he may sign the bill, making it a law or he can veto it.3rd option: The President may allow the bill to become a law by acting on it,neither signing nor vetoing it, within 10 days.4th option: The pocket vet, can be used only at the end of a congressionalsession. The Presidents power to grant reprieves and pardons is absolute,except in cases of impeachment,where they may never be granted.Reprieve: The postponement of the execution of a sentence.Pardon: Legal forgiveness of a crime. Presidential pardons are usually granted after a person has been convicted in court. The most noteworthyPardon, by far, was granted in 1974. A Pardon must be accepted by the personto whom it is granted. Commutation: The power to commute the length of a sentenceor a fine imposed by a court.Amnesty: In effect a blanket pardon offered to a group of law violators.
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