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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Presidental Powers Executive Powers Executing the LawThe President executes all provisions of the federal law including those sworn into the oath of office. Ordinance PowerThe President administers and applies the federal law to a normal working day to every department within the federal government. He gets his power to issue an order from the Constitution and acts of Congress. The Appointment Power The President is appointed the power to name the top ranking officers of the federal government, The Removal Power The President has the power to remove any government official form office if he deems uneccesary The Diplomatic Powers An executive agreement is made between the President and the head of a foreign state and does not involve or require the Senate's approval. The Power to Make Treaties In order for a treaty to be approved it must first go through the Senate and the President will ratify it. Executive Agreements The Power of Recognition The President receives the diplomatic representative of another sovereign state and acts as the legal representative of our country and acknowledges their existence. Military Powers Commander in Chief Under the Constitution the President is the Commander in Chief of all the Nation's armed forces. Therefore: The President has the ability to declare war. While the Congress has authorized joint resolutions in order to contain international crisis with military forces in the past. The war powers resolution was designed to place limits on the President's war making powers. Legislative Powers In recommending legislation the President is acting as the Nation's chief legislature is often called the message power where the President may communicate certain messages with Congress After a bill passes through the House of Reps and the Senate it shall be presented to the President where he may chose to veto it. Judicial Powers The Constitution gives the President the power to grant, reprieves,and pardons for offences against the U.S. except for in the case of impeachment. It also gives them the power of commutation which is the power to reduce the length of a sentence imposed by a court. It also includes the power of amnesty, which covers pardon.
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