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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 JeffersonHypocritical vs. Pragmatic Jefferson was thought to be one of the better presidents we've had, but some of his choices have had controversy over whether they were hypocritical thinking or pragmatic thinking. Before coming into office Thomas Jefferson believed that the National Bank was not a good idea. When he became president he had to make a decision whether to keep the National bank that was already in place and working well or discard it.Although he did not like the idea of a national bank, the economy was strong so he decided to keep the National bank in place. Pragmatic Hypocritical When Napoleon gave Jefferson the tempting offerof the Louisiana area it was a hard decision that Jeffersondid not take lightly. He understood that if he made this deal it would technically be considered unconstitutional.When he tried weighing the pros and cons it was too gooda deal to pass up. We only payed $15 million, it gave us more land, and it stopped the French from expanding. Jefferson ended up makinga pragmatic choice. Since the bank was working well he knew itwas in the country's best interestto leave it even though he was notin favor of the bank. Round 2The Louisiana Purchase In this situtation Jefferon was alsobeing pragmatic. Even thoughtechnically unconstitutional and against his principle of strict to the constitution he knew it was for the benefit of the country as a whole. Round 1 The National Bank Round 3Marbury vs. Madison When John Adams left presidency he appointedmidnight judges. William Marbury was promisedone of these jobs, but was turned down by James Madison.He then went to court, but was rejected by John Marshall because it was unconstitutional and only the supreme court decides if it's constitutional or not. Thomas Jefferson then went after Samuel Chase to get himkicked off as a judge for speaking out against them. In this instance Jefferson was being hypocritical. Even though he was trying to get powers to the states hetried to get someone of the supreme court for speaking against the governmentwhen he got rid of the alein and sedition acts for doing that. Thomas Jefferson believed that slavery presented the greatest threat to the survival of the new American nation. He was a consistent opponent of slavery his whole life. Jefferson considered it to be a "moral depravity" and "hideous blot". Thomas Jefferson also believed that slavery was contrary to the laws of nature, which decreed that everyone had a right to personal liberty. Jefferson was hypocritical in this situation because although he believed that slavery was going against the laws of nature, he owned many slaves throughout his life. In fact when he wrote in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal, he owned over 175 slaves himself. Jefferson was also pragmatic in this situation. In 1784 under the Articles of Confederation, Jefferson proposed federal legislation banning slavery in the new territories in the North and South, It failed to pass Congress by one vote. This was pragmatic because he knew that many people would disagree with him and not like him very much if he banned slavery he still attempted to pass the law. TOTAL SCORE Overall Thomas Jefferson was Pragmatic. Round 4Slavery
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