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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 6% 9% 16% 31% 3% north west mid west north east south east south west coast in 1000s represented Stanford UniversityUniversity of California BerkeleyUniversity of California San DiegoUniversity of California Los AngelesUniversity of California Davis University of MichiganUniversity of ChicagoWashington UniversityUniversity of WisconsinOhio State UniversityUniversity of MinnesotaNorthwestern UniversityUniversity of IllinoisIndiana UniversityMichigan State University Duke UniversityUniversity of North CarolinaEmory University University of Texas AustinTexas A&M University University of Washington "T o p P ol it ic al S ci e n c e S c h o ol s a n d C ol le g e s U. S. N e w s Di re ct o r y. "T o p P ol it ic al S ci e n c e S c h o ol s a n d B e s t R a n k e d P ol it ic al S ci e n c e S c h o ol s a n d P r o g r a m s. U. S. N e w s U ni v er si t y C o n n e ct io n, 2 0 1 2. W e b. 2 0 N o v. 2 0 1 2. < h tt p: / / w w w .u s n e w s u ni v er si t y di re ct o r y. c o m / g r a d u a te - s c h o ol s / s o ci al - s ci e n c e s - h u m a ni ti e s / p ol it ic al - s ci e n c e. a s p x >. Harvard UniversityPrinceton UniversityYale UniversityColumbia UniversityMITUniversity of RochesterNew York UniversityCornell UniversityPenn State UniversityUniversity of Maryland College ParkUniversity of Pennsylvania Harvard UniversityResearch in four fieldsFormal theory and thematic areasHands on trainingTop international study centers570 graduates make Government Duke UniversityDepartment organized around subfieldsInnovative approach to fields and workshopsClassroom instruction and research balanceUnderstand, question and analyze politics University of Texas AustinSix mandated hours of instructionof TX governmentDiverse and expert facultyCentered around not only researchbut political teaching Stanford UniversityWorkshops in each of five areas of researchResearch honors trackHighly selective programs University of WashingtonTalented facultyStrong programsResearch centersGraduate placement record University of MichiganFaculty accomplishments in researchStrong job placement recordNational and international recognition Political Science degrees areeverywhere. But which Universitiesoffer a top-notch Poli Sci education?And where are they located?`johns/
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