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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Loss of territories - productive land,industries and raw resources 3. 2. Foundations and fundraisers,bring awareness and help to all the polar bears. Donations and polar bear adoptions, can and will change the future for the bears! All you need to do is get involved! Polar bears survival is dependenton the cold and ice caps striving.With global warming and temperaturerising, it increasesthe death of polar bears at a extreme rate. Causing all polar bears to be extinct in 40 years. - - - post 1. Population size rapidly decreasing How Can You Save The Polar Bears? Only 320 million acres of iceis left to be habitualto polar bears The average polar bear weight hasdecreased by 15% within 20 years polar bears will be completely extincted Rising temperaturesin the worldare causing sea ice to disappear for longer time periods Things as simple as ridinga bike or unplugging an outlet Will keep the bears aroundfor another lifetime You can be the changefor our polar bears! There is an estimated 22,000 - 40,000 polar bears left in the world Melting ice caps Global warming Where are All The Polar Bears Going? Polar Bear Exctinction Rates 2050 Polar bears are the first animalsto be endangeredfrom global warming By the year July June May April March February January 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July July June May April March February January 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July What effect do humans have on the extinction of polar bears, and can they be saved? - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle- adopt a polar bear - Donate to Polar Bears International - Switch to reusable water bottles- Adjust the thermostat - Get everyone involoved!
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