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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 1910 1970 1975 The price rose to $50 from 3-10 $in 1960 per pound, because people believed it was a valuable and beautiful resource. 1987 1800 1990 The ivory trade and manufacturing ceased in 1990, but illegal poachers are still killing elephants for their ivory tusks. Mid 1980's The main consumer wasJapan, taking around 40 per cent of productions. Over decades, the production of ivory has risen and fallen.1990 was when killing animals to harvest ivory was made illegal. Athough people today are still illegally poachingand hunting animals for this rare resource. The tradingwas world-wide for thisproduct. The price of ivory rose again to $125. This occured because people were thinking of new ways of manufacturing ivory supplies, which increased demand. 1986 Pratt, Read and Co. closed down. The 1970's was when peoplewere able trading and hunt for ivory. "The huge increase...was the result of automatic weapons availability and widespread government corruption in many exporting countries which decimated elephant populations across Africa." Piano keys production peaked, which caused ivory sales to increase. The ivory came from mostly Africa, but also India andAsia. After that, it was supplied to different countries to be manufactured into different products. Examples: After the manufacturing, it was shipped off to consuming countries TRADE MAP European industrialization shaped Africa in many ways. Countries saw Africa as a place filled with natural resources, because of thismany countries tried to create colonies in Africa to get a hold of these riches.Things like racism, and imperialism were plentiful in European colonies in Africa.Europeans that lived in these colonies believed they were better than the nativeAfricans. This caused Europeans to enslave Africans and use them as slaves to carry natural resources from Arica to other countries that would trade for these resources.One example of this is how ivory traders from Egypt and the former Ottoman Empireused Africans as slaves to carry and care for the ivory while it was being transportedto other countries. This ivory was then used to make billiard balls and piano keys. These tusks were removed from the heads of many elephants, and will soon be used for ivory to manufacture a variety or objects. "Central Africa :: Exploitation of Ivory." Encyclopedia Britannica. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2014., R. W. JSTOR. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2014. "A Scramble for Africa." Nature 440.7083 (2006): 383-84. Web. "15 Minute History." 15 Minute History. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2014."Europe & Africa in the 19th Century." Europe & Africa in the 19th Century. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2014."Elephant Slaughter, African Slavery And America's Pianos." NPR. NPR, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2014. "" ConnecticutHistoryorg Ivory Cutting The Rise and Decline of a Connecticut Industry Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2014."Abolishing Slave Trade by Enhancing Ivory Trade, 19th Century."DIANABUJAS BLOG Africa The Middle East Agriculture History and Culture. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2014."Ivory Trade." Magazine / Geographical. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2014., Anne NA. "Chapter Seven: The Last Slaves." Hartford Courant. Anne Forrow, 29 Sept. 2002. Web. 18 Nov. 2014. Elephant by Ryan Dell from The Noun ProjectMurderer by Kathlyn Pepion from The Noun ProjectBilliard ball by Arthur Shlain from The Noun Projectpiano by Max Kalik from The Noun Project How the elephant population is now: Phineas Pratt created a machine that made it easier to cut ivory into the shape of combs. At the time combs madeout of ivory were very popular. 1862-1863 The ivory companies George Read and Company, Julius Pratt & Company, and the Pratt Brothers combined to form the ivory company Pratt, Read and Co.These companies used ivory to create things like billiard balls and piano keys The ivory trade in the 19th century is very similar to some things going on currently.Just like how ivory traders used slaves to transport ivory because it was cheaper than hiring someone, many large barnd name companies use workers in under-developed countires to produce their goods. The companies dont make their workers much, andthe working condidions in the factories the workers work at tend to be very bad and unhealthy. For every tusk of an elephant transported from Africa in the 19th century, 5 African slaves died. 1809 Phineas Pratt and his brother-in-law,George Read, formed an ivory comb business in the village,Deep River. Pianos became more popular, which caused more ivory to be used to make piano keys. This resulted in more elephants to be killed to get their tusks to make ivory. 1798 26 million elephants in the wild(there are fewer than 1 million today) It's estimated only 1 out of 4 slaves survived the journey from to bring ivory out of Africa and toan country where it would be sold. 1861-1865 Ivory is composed of a creamy white substance called dentin that makes up the bulk of teeth. It is found in the tusks of some animals such as walruses and elephants.Ivory from these animals has been used for centuries in decorative art, and in the manufacture of objects such as pianos and billiard balls. The want for piano keys exploded The elephants came mostly fromAfrica, Asia, and India. In 2013 180 workers were killed in a garment factory accident in Bangledesh.
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