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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Bailey, Jonathan. Turnitin Analyzes the Spectrum of Plagiarism. Digital image. Plagiarism Today. Word Press, 10 May 2012. Web. Web Sept. 2013 Plagiarizing will result in the destruction of your reputation and getting in trouble legally. Plagiarizing may also result in needing to pay money. (Eric) "6 Consequences of Plagiarism" Plagiarism Detection Software. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2013 Plagiarism is when you steal someone else's work, without crediting them and use it as your own.(Kaitlyn) There are different types of plagiarism. The different types are full plagiarism, partial plagiarism,minimalistic plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism, and source plagiarism. You do not need to cite common knowledge like George washington's birthdate. (Eric) According to the article "Information Overload"common knowledge is any information knownby the majority of people. Common knowledgedoes not need to be cited. (Martin) An example of common knowledge is the names of seasons. "Information Overload"Online Library Learning CenterSeptember 21, 2013 Copy right is the legal right given to the creator of a workto financially benefit from his work. According to the article "What is Copy Right?" copyright laws are meant to protect the value of the intellectual property of others. Once a work is completed, it ordinarily becomes protected by copy right. Copy right lasts 70 years after the creators death. After this time period, the work is considered part of the public domain. "What is Common Knowledge"copyright.comSeptember 22,2013 "What is Plagiarism?" Web. 22 Sept. 2013. Ways to Avoid Plagiarism:1. Don't just change a few words in a sentence, make sure to rewrite your OWN sentence2. Every time you uses someone else's work make sure to but quotation mark.3. Make sure to cite every thing that is not yours.4. Manage your time efficiently and start your assignment early, so there's no need to plagarize at all!5. There are online sources available to you, that checks plagiarism or how to cite correctly. Use them efficiently! (Kaitlyn) "Ways to Avoid Plagiarism".Buzzle. Web. 22 Sept 2013 The public domain includes:1) Facts found in many sources2)Works with expired copy rights3)U.S. government works4)Scientific principles, theorems, mathematical formulas, laws of nature5)Scientific and other research methodologies, statistical techniques and educational processes6)Laws, regulations, judicial opinions, government documents and legislative reports7)Words, names, numbers, symbols, signs, rules of grammar and diction, and punctuation "Public Domain"universityofcalifornia.eduSeptember 22, 2013 The public domain consists of all works that have expired copy rights or are ineligible for one. You do not need to receive permission to use public domain works. Everything published in 1923 isin the public domain. Works that were published between 1923 and1989 are only in the public domain if they had a copy right notice, registration, and renewal. Fair use is a copyright principle based on the belief that anyone can freely use portions of copyright materials. Majority of fair use analysis falls into two categories: 1. Commentary and criticism2. ParodyThe factors of fair use are outlined in copyright law. Unfortunately, the weighingfor fair use factors are often biased. (Rutu) "Fair Use" Stanford University Libraries. n.p. n.d. 22 Sept 2013 Intellectual Property is a protection against creations of the mind like literary and artistic works or inventions. They allow owners to take credit for their own work and not have it stolen from them. A patent is an exclusive right granted to an invention. It usually protects the owner for 20 years. (Rutu) "What is Intellectual Property" WIPO. n.p. n.d. 22 Sept 2013 PLAGIARISM
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