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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Piggy: A True Friend Ch. 12 Ch. 4 Ch. 6 Ch. 11 Piggy was consideredthe intelligent and logical one out of all the boys. Now that he is gone, no one is there to be reasonable about things. The balance of order is disrupted due to Piggy's death. "There was noPiggy to talk sense" (196). "He can't hurt you: but if you stand out of the way he'd hurt the next thing. And that's me" (93). "When he understood how far Ralph had gone toward accepting him he flushed pinkly with pride" (140). Piggy was very happy when he said something that Ralph showed good emotion to. He felt like he was worthy just in those few seconds. Again, the others undermine Piggy's abilities to docertain things based on his physical appearance. Physical appearance contributes to the theme of survival because in order to survive, you must be physically fit to do certain actions. Piggy is feeling vulnerable and is afraid of Jack and his capabilities. Jack is a violent person and he tends to lash out, as he did whenhe stole Piggy's glasses. Piggy is thinking about what his life would be like if Jack was chief. He knows that Jack is envious of Ralph andhates him as well because Ralph is chief and he is not. Piggy was so happy when Ralph finally began to look at him as another one of the boys, and not Piggy or Fatty. It was like the highlight of his life because for the entire trip, all Piggy has been trying to do was impress Ralph. Piggy gets severely hurt and the conch, which is seemed to be a symbolicobject, is completely destroyed. "Now, finding that something he had said made Ralph smile, he rejoiced and pressed his advantage" (65). Ch. 2 Ch. 1 "'Which is better--to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill?'" (180) "Piggy could think. He could go step by step inside that fat head of his, only Piggy was no chief. But Piggy, for all his ludicrous body, had brains" (78). "'I got the conch,' said Piggy, in a hurt voice. 'I got a right to speak.'"(44). "His lips quivered and the spectacles were dimmed with mist"(14). Ralph is finally acknowledging Piggy's value and worth. Even though he can't do much physically, he can contribute probably the most when it comes to intelligence. He may not be chief-worthy, but he has brains. Readers see another side of Piggy because he is now standing up for himself. He says that he deserves a right to speak and it's only fair that he does because he has the conch. Piggy thinks that everyone is dead on the island and no one will ever come to rescue them. This shows a very vulnerable side to Piggy. He is afraid of what might happen to them, which may be important later in the book. He also gets emotional very easily. Ch. 8 William Golding uses the staticcharacter Piggy as a symbol for intelligence and civilization in Lord of the Flies. Although his wisdom and logic are keys to survival, the boys belittle his other abilities due to his physical appearance. William Golding uses the staticcharacter Piggy as a symbol for intelligence and civilization in Lord of the Flies. Although his wisdom and logic are keys to survival, the boys belittle his other abilities due to his physical appearance. Heeya MunirBlock 112/10/14 Ch. 5 "'Have some sense. What can Piggy do with only one eye?'" (101). "The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist" (181). Piggy is verywise and saysthat it is better to have an orderlystructure and a unified community,rather than a violent, spontaneous group.
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