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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 9 STEPS TOSOLVINGANY PHYSICSPROBLEM FOURTH STEPWrite downwhat quantitiesare "given" and then what youwant to know. Write this quantities in a listfashion so it isclear on how to approach the problem. SIXTH STEPConsider which equations and/ordefinitions apply to the quantitiesinvolved. Before using them,ensure their range of validityincluded your problem. Solve theequation algebraically for the unknown. Sometimes a combination of equations is required to solve. SECOND STEPDecide which object (or objects)you are going to study, and forwhat time interval. You can oftenchoose the initial time to be t=0. THIRD STEPDraw a diagram or picture of the situation, with coordinate axes wherever applicable. You can choosewhich direction is positive and which is negative, however, for convenience it is practical to choose the x axis to the right as positive and the y axis upwards as positive. SEVENTH STEPCarry out thecalculation if numericalproblem. Do not roundoff numbers during theproblem but roundto correct significantfigures for the finalanswer. FIFTH STEPThink about whichprinciples of physicsapply in this problem. Use common senseand your own experiences. Then plan an approach. FIRST STEPRead and reread the wholeproblem carefully beforetrying to solve it. NINTH STEP Check your units! Make sure that the units are balancedthroughoutthe entire problem. EIGHT STEPThink about the result thatyou calculated. Is it reasonable? Is it valid?Does it make sense according to your experiences? If yes, then perhaps the answer is correct. Simply searching for an equation that might work can lead you to a wrong result and will surely not help you understand physics. A better approach will be presented in this guide in which a rough procedure is used. PHYSICS PROBLEM SOLVING APPROACH
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