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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How a Bill Becomes a Law Phoebe Whitcomb Period 7 Before the bill can even begin as a bill, it begins as an idea. This idea is presented as a bill by a representative after they take an idea and make it into a bill. Step One: Step Two: After a representative has written a bill, the bill then has to be sponsored. To get the bill sponsored the representative talks to other representatives about the bill,in hopes that someone will sponsor their bill. If the bill is sponsored, it is now able to be introduced. Step Three: When a bill is introduced,the bill is given a number. The clerk then reads the bill aloud to the representatives. The speaker then sends the bill to one of the house standingcommittees. Step Four: When the bill reaches the committees it isthen placed into certain topics decided by representatives. It is then revised and researchedbefore it is voted on whether or not it should besent back to the house floor. If the bill needs moreinformation, it is sent to a subcommittee where it is closely examined and thought over. Step Five: After being approved, a bill s sent tothe house floor. It is then ready to be debated by the house of representatives. Step Six: Before the bill is ready to be voted on, it is discussed and debated by the house of representatives. When it is discussed sometimes changes are made. The clerkgoes over it, piece by piece and once all the final changes are made, it is then readyto be voted on. Step Seven: There are three different types of voting:-Voice Voting is where the representatviesvocally state there vote.-Division is where the repreentatives state theirvote by standing.-Recorded voting is when the represenativesplace their voice by recording their vote which placed by using an electronic voting system. Step Eight: If the bill is passed by the House of representatives it is then certifiedby the clerk and then sent to the U.Ssenate. When it reaches the senate itit goes through the same steps as in the House of Representatives. The bill is then sent to the president,but only if it passes the senate. Thepresident then has three options:-Sign and Pass, which will then make ita law.-Veto it, which will then send it back to the House of representatives where 2/3 has topass it again for it to become a law.-Pocket Vito, which, if congress is in sessionthe bill becomes a law in 10 days. If is not then it goes back to House of Representatives. Step Nine:
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