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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Gloria Jimenez's Personality Type: ISTJ WHAT ISTJ MEANS: People like you are quiet, serious, and conscientious. You typically think before you speak, and are prettycautious about jumping into new experiences. Sinceyou are so private, you rarely share your feelings or reactions with people you doesn't know well. You needa good deal of time alone and while you enjoy thecompany of a small group of close friends, you are rarelythe one to initiate getting together. You are also selectiveabout your interests, usually preferring to study things in depthor participate in physical or hands-on activities. You are carefulwith facts, money, and possessions, and you may have anexcellent memory for details. Practical and realistic, peopledescribe you as matter-of-fact, polite, and responsible.You arealso a logical and organized person. Even in tense situations,you are usually able to remain calm and cool. Since you aremost comfortable with a predictable routine and like to be prepared at all times, you don't usually like surprises or changes. You are skeptical about untested ideas and may get bored with too much theoretical discussion. Because you have strong opinions, you may sometimes act a bit controlling or inflexible. You like to be appreciated for your accomplishments, and may become angry when others make unfair or arbitrary decisions. Above all, you need to understand the logical reason for decisions since once you make up your mind, you may be reluctant to change it. Four Personality Traits: - Quiet- Responsible- Calm- Realistic My blindspots may include: - Not considering choices not thought of before.- Focusing too much on the present, and not anticipating future needs and desires.- Not presenting yourself as a well-rounded, multi-dimensional person.- Not being excited and enthusiastic in conversations.- Not keeping an open mind, and being willing to consider new ideas. For a career to be satisfying for me, it should: -Allow you to use your ability to remember and use important facts and details.- Involve providing a real product or service.- Give you plenty of quiet time to prepare, and do your work well.- Provide tangible results - something you can see at the end of the day.- Have clear objectives and expectations.- Have sufficient structure and clear lines of authority.- Make good use of your gift for logical analysis.- Have an environment that respects responsibility and hard work. My Preferred Learning Style: - Plenty of time to process and review new information.- Provides real examples and stresses the practical application of the learning.- Provides clear expectations and explicit instructions.- Doesn't force public participation; allows you to work one-on-one or with small groups.- Gives you adequate time to practice and master new skills.- Rewards you for being responsible, thorough and accurate with facts.
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