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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 MY PERSONAL ASSESMENT SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Self-confidence while trying to solve a problem Setting realistic priorities Delegate and stand back Listening actively and effectively Deeper learning of each taskThorough analysis of each problemLooking for possible solutionsEvaluation of each solutionComparison with previous solutions given Time managing 1 2 3 4 5 Analysis of each task or needEvaluation of relevanceDrawing up a timetable for actionEstablishing final priorities Taking priorities into accountAnalysing available timeAnalysing time needed for each taskOrganising timetables and weeks of work Understanding that listening is not a waste of timeTrying to ask whenever I have a doubtListening not only to my boss, but also to my colleaguesWriting everything I listen that I consider remarkable Trying to trust others' capabilitiesTrying to transmit confidence to others 1 2 3 4 5 SEP14_Cristina Benito Vielba WEAKNESSES After analysing my personal and key skills, I have detailed the weaknessesI have realised I have and I have tried to establish solutions, clasified asopportunities.In this analysis Strengths are not detailed, as it wasn't the objective of thisactivity, just as Threats, that haven't been taken into account, as they haveto be as ignored as possible and, sometimes, they are just obstacles thatwe put in our way because of a lack of confidence or excessive fear. Orange 1
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