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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 start from scratch[clears the canvas] Innovations that changed daily lives Innovations that changed daily lives The invention during the Industrial Revolution which made communication faster and easier than ever before was the Telephone by Alexander Graham Bell. Before the telephone was invented and widely used, communication was much slower and difficult. People would only have the opportunity to communicate face toface or by writing letters to their families and friends;which would takedays to send back and forth. When the Telephones were invented,it made a huge impact and made communicatingamong the people more convenient and faster. By March of 1876, Bell transmitted the first words over a wire. Bell was able to call his assistant in another room of his home over the telephone. Watson successfully and clearly heard the words over the wire connection. It also led to the creation of having videos being shown over wires (soon known as televisions) and headphones for people who had a hard time hearing. The telephone created jobs for people who engineered and does mechanics. Phones are very popular today.They have advanced over time and made communication faster than ever. Today, we have smartphones.Such as iPhones, Samsungs, Androids, etc. Before the telephone was invented and widely used, communication was much slower and difficult. People would only have the opportunity to communicate face toface or by writing letters to their families and friends;which would takedays to send back and forth. When the Telephones were invented,it made a huge impact and made communicatingamong the people more convenient and faster. By March of 1876, Bell transmitted the first words over a wire. Bell was able to call his assistant in another room of his home over the telephone. Watson successfully and clearly heard the words over the wire connection. It also led to the creation of having videos being shown over wires (soon known as televisions) and headphones for people who had a hard time hearing. The telephone created jobs for people who engineered and does mechanics. Phones are very popular today.They have advanced over time and made communication faster than ever. Today, we have smartphones.Such as iPhones, Samsungs, Androids, etc. By: Alyssa Tellez Period 4 The invention during the Industrial Revolution which made transportation much convenient and faster for the people was the Airplane by Orville and Wilbur Wright. The airplane greatly changed the way humans lived. Before its invention, traveling far distances was very long and tiring. People would have to travel by foot or take the locomotives. The Wright brothers constructed a wind tunnel and tested almost 200 wing designs in it. The men designed a third glider that stayed in the air 26 seconds while piloted. The men then decided to create the first machine powered aircraft. Today, airplanes are one of the most popular forms of transportation in the world. The airplane allowed many other things to be possible. It led to the use of fighter jets in wars and sky diving. It also changed the way people worked by making it made it easier for companies to transport products. It also opened up new job opportunities. People could now become airplane engineers, mechanics, flight attendants, and pilots. The airplane impacted many industries. It changed the way humans traveled and also the shipping industries. The airplane also impacted the war industries with a new type of weapon, jets, and way to transport soldiers. The invention during the Industrial Revolution that helped food/drinks not spoil was Pasteurization by Louis Pasteur. Before this invention, France was economically dependent on the wine industry, which was losing money because some wines once fermented were spoiling. Pasteur wanted to discover what was causing this wine to go bad. He eventually proved that microorganisms, or organisms that were not visible to the naked eye, were causing the wine to spoil. He devised a solution in which the wine could be gently heated and then cooled, thus killing the microorganism and causing the wine to remain fresh. This gave people a way to keep food for a longer amount of time, so there was more of it.This invention led to the germ theory, which influenced physicians to take more clean measures in surgeries and hospitals. It also set the principles for vaccinations and the foundations for a new science known as immunology. It made healthcare more advance by providing a basis of germ and cures to it. This changed the way people worked because it took away some stress. Farmers did not have to worry as much about selling their food quickly before it started spoiling. Pasteurization is definitely stillused today. When we shop at grociery stores, we might see a milk labled "Paterurized".
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