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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 New World And Oceania political similarity and differences Espinosa Dogbo 1 Economic Developments The New World and Oceania were very much like one another in their economical structure and development like the useof trade networks. A good example of these similarities is the North Africanand New Guinea people trading amongeach other and the Aztecs creating a trade network in their own land. A difference in between the two economically is theagriculture used in these two societies.As the Maori people of New Zealand were cultivating different crops and using basic farming the Incas used terrace farming and cultivating plants like corn and maize. The political structure is alike in the New World and Oceania in very keyparts like having social classes. In New Zealand and much of the Oceania area there were social classes that were separated by the specializationof labor and an artisan class. With theAztecs there was a class where it was a priest followed by the warrior class and later followed by merchants andnormal workers. The difference betweenthe New World and Oceania was thecentralization of the government. InNew Guinea there was no centralization due to natural barriers making it have ruling local chiefs. The Aztecs were acentralized civilization with a hierarchy because there were little or no problemscontrolling their land. limitations North America South America Oceania Oceania Societies The Americas Both the Americas and Oceaniahad in limitation in contact, theybecame isolated from neighboring areas.Due to the fact that they were isolated they lacked key characteristic of acivilization. Example they lacked key technologies, domesticated animals, and no effective immunity to diseases Both the Americas and Oceaniahad in limitation in contact, theybecame isolated from neighboring areas.Due to the fact that they were isolated they lacked key characteristic of acivilization. Example they lacked key technologies, domesticated animals, and no effective immunity to diseases The Americas Oceania
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