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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Healthy Cells Healthy Cells You may not realize it, but every cell in your body is made from both saturated and unsaturated fat and your cells depend on a healthy balance of the two in order to properly send messages in and out. The paleo diet naturally provides a perfect balance of fats because it suggests both in healthy amounts while other diets limit one or the other. Weight Loss Weight Loss The Paleo diet is a low carb diet by design. Simply removing processed foods will drastically reduce your carb intake to fuel weight loss.By limiting carbs to around workout times you will avoid unwanted fat gain which is often caused by these excess carbs! Research suggests that inflammation may be the leading factor behind cardiovascular disease. The great thing about the paleo diet is that a lot of the foods are anti-inflammatory so you will me minimizing your risk. The large focus on omega 3 fatty acids is one of the reasons the diet is so anti-inflammatory. Pasture-raised animals have a much better ratio of omega 3 to 6 ratios and the other veggies and herbs encouraged with the paleo diet will help as well! Reduce Inflamation Reduce Inflamation More Muscle. Less Fat More Muscle. Less Fat PURE upscale fitnessServing Women Mental Health Mental Health Better Gut Health Better Gut Health One of the best sources of protein and fat suggested by the Paleo diet comes from cold water fish; ideally wild-caught salmon. Salmon fat is packed full of omega 3 fatty acids which is lacking in the average American diet. This is a problem because within omega 3 fatty acids contains DHA which is known to be good for the eyes, heart, and most importantly for brain development and function! Other sources of omega 3 fatty acids are found in pasture-raised meats and eggs. Gets some! Sugar, man-made fats and other processed junk all cause inflammation within your intestinal tract. Unfortunately when you match too much processed foods with a lot of stress you can get whats called leaky gut syndrome which is when your intestinal walls are breached and things that dont normally leave the tunnel end up leaking out! One of the best sources of protein and fat suggested by the paleo diet comes from cold water fish; ideally wildcaught salmon. Salmon fat is packed full of omega 3 fatty acids which is lacking in the average American diet. This is a problem because within omega 3 fatty acids contains DHA which is known to be good for the eyes, heart, and most importantly for brain development and function Other sources of omega 3 fatty acids are found in pastureraised meats and eggs. Gets some! One of the best sources of protein and fat suggested by the paleo diet comes from cold water fish; ideally wild-caught salmon. Salmon fat is packed full of omega 3 fatty acids which is lacking in the average American diet. This is a problem because within omega 3 fatty acids contains DHA which is known to be good for the eyes, heart, and most importantly for brain development and function! Other sources of omega 3 fatty acids are found in pasture-raised meats and eggs. Gets some! Health Benefits of a Paleo Diet Health Benefits of a Paleo Diet double click to change this header text! For women with diets most closely resembling the Paleo Diet, tumor rates fell 29 percent
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