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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ORIENTING VISUALIZING INFORMING PERSUADING Final Exam 15%-This Exam (AND LIFE) is cumulative!-Must be taken as scheduled by SFC in classroom.-Same format as midterm, but on PAPER. Midterm 15%-Covers text, lectures and online materials-Must be completed on CANVAS-Mix of Multiple Choice, Short Answer and Essay-Open Notes and Open Book-Midterm progress reports follow using eSantaFe GRADES FIRST Informative Speech 15%4 minutes-Exploring your career-Interview a Prof & Pro-Impress Employers Pecha Kucha Speech 20%6 min. 40 sec.-The "20x20x20"-20 Slides, 20 Seconds Each-Visualize your Informative Speech Persuasive Speech 20%5 min.-Monroe's Motivated Sequence-Issue of Significance in your FIELD FINAL EXAM Late work is accepted for one week after due date at a 50% penalty. You are allowed TWO absences for any reason. After that, TWO points will be deducted from your final gradefor each additional missed class.THREE tardies (5+minutes late) count as ONE absence. Our Textbook is Free and Introductory Speech 5%2 minutes-Introduce a speaker at work? -Give the toast at a wedding? -Accept a professional award?-You must PRESENT this speech to CONTINUE IN COURSE This MODULE requires submissionof a TRANSCRIPT on CANVAS. -All class assignments will be submitted on Canvas.-View the MODULES-YOU Need Computer and InternetAccess on a daily basis.-The Phone APP is great, but not enough. Impromptu Speech 5%1 min.-5 MIN. PREP ONDAY OF PRESENTATION-No Makeups Dr. Hughes's GUIDE to Public Speaking Any element of the syllabus can be modified at Dr. Hughes's discretion based on class progress, resources and/or scheduling.Check CANVAS Announcements for updates. THIS IS AMODULE! INTRODUCING COLLABORATING LAST CHANCE TO SUBMIT EXTRA-CREDIT Day of Impromptu Speeches FIVE Canvas QUIZZESAveraged for 5% of FINAL GRADEMultiple AttemptsPass QUIZ (70%) to start next MODULE QUIZ 1 QUIZ 3 QUIZ 2 QUIZ 4 QUIZ 5 DIGITAL SKILLS:•CANVAS Literacy for QUIZZES, MODULES and SUBMISSIONS•Use SFC Library website for research•Prepare a Powerpoint•Write in Google Drive•Upload video from your phone to YouTubeWRITING SKILLS:•Outline Drafting•Essay Composition•Bibliography Citation This MODULE requires submissionof an OUTLINE on CANVAS. This MODULE requires submissionof a POWERPOINT on CANVAS. This MODULE requires submissionof an OUTLINE and BIBLIOGRAPHY on CANVAS. This MODULE requires submissionof a META-REFLECTION on CANVAS BEST FOR STUDENTS WITH THESE SKILLS... OR THE ABILITY TO LEARN THESE SKILLS... MIDTERM EXAM 57% of COURSECOMPLETEDafterMIDTERM
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