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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 your artboard start from scratch[clears the canvas] ABOUT THE DIRECTOR NBD Antonio GonzรกlezDirector of Emirates NDB Bank sice 2010.was previously Diirector od Dubai Co.and was essential for the businness development and tradeagreements with European and Asia countries, is mexican,But to finish collegue decide migrate to Dubai looking for a new challenges.Among his achievments is the entrance to the European and chinese UAE ESTATISTICS GDP: 359 BILLION DOLLARS AS DECEMBER 2013.GDP GROWTH: 3.9%GDP/PER CAPITA: $65,600 USD.POPULATION: 5.5 MILLIONUNEMPLOYMENT: 2.4%INFLATION: 0.7%PUBLIC DEBT AS % GDP: 43% Main Industries The UAE listed as the seventh country with the largest reserves of natural gas and oil in the world . why UAE? we are interested in Mexican professional to come and work with us, which will work with good wages and high living standards, for this reason we want to negotiate a treaty that allows minimal paperwork and able to provide work visa and the security that a country that has virtually no unemployment and now already has a GDP of $359 BILLION DOLLARS and .07% inflation, also individuals do not pay taxes.If you invest with us your capital will be invest on private capital, infrastructure and technology development and enable a better negotiation for an a future a treaty of free commerce between us.Your investment will return in a maximum period of 2 years with a profit of 60%, all this supported for NBD EMIRATES..
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