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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Peptic Ulcers Solution? Problem? Occur in the stomach and the duodenum of the small intestine in the digestive system. PPIs are used as treatment for Peptic Ulcers and Acid Reflux (Kenny,2012). This bacteria is calledHelicobacter pylori. What are PPIs? History of Peptic Ulcer Treatments In the late 1980s, PPIs were developed and by the 1990s were considered more useful and safer then H2 Blockers(made in 1970s). Proton Pump Inhibitors or PPIs are a class of drugs (someprazole,lansoprazole, omeprazole, pantoprazole andrabeprazole) that work to reduce the amountof acid in the stomach and fight Helicobacter Pylori. Proton Pump Inhibitors Most PPIs cost from $1400-$2400(10-60 mg) per patient and are usually taken daily.(Best Buy Drugs, 2013) Available at your localdrugstore upon prescription. Risks and Side-effects PPIs are the leading medication for Peptic Ulcers.They are very effective and in most casescan heal a Peptic Ulcer between 2-8 weeks withoutany confirmed long term effects. They are the strongest drugs used to treat Peptic Ulcers. Is it Effective? Future Prospects So far PPIs are head and shoulders above any other treatment forPeptic Ulcers. The problem is that PPIs are very strong and just now weare beginning to predict some possible long terms risks, so thereare still a lot of unknowns in this field. Caused by bacteria that break down the mucus lining the stomach, which causes the gastric fluids to eat up stomach walls It Hurts a lot!!!!!!!!!!! Helicobacter pylori: bacterium that breaks down mucus lining the stomach. H2 Blockers: a medication that targets and reduces amounts of stomach acid.PPIs: short form of Proton Pump Inhibitors, which are drugsthat reduce the amounts of acid in the stomach.Pneumonia: a lung infection that gives you a tough time to breathe, a bad cough and other similar symptoms and canlast for numerous weeks. (Lung Disease & Respiratory Health Center, 2013)C. Difficile Infection: a sickness that can result from antibioticsdisturbing the bacteria in the large intestine. Can causediarrhea and even lead to death (Proton-pump inhibitors, 2011). It Hurtsa lot!!!! Glossary
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