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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 LEARNER-CENTRIC TEACHER-CENTRIC TEACHER-CENTRIC INDIVIDUALIZATION PERSONALIZATION double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. DIFFERENTIATION What are the Differences? > Starts with the need of anindividual learner> Accommodates learning needs of the individual> Explicit instruction based onlearning needs of an individuallearner> Teacher customizes lessons andtasks for learners based on individual needs> Technologies and resources areselected to support the learning ofan individual learner> Learners are dependent on individual teachers or aides to support their learning> Based on Carnegie unit (seat time) and grade level > Starts with the learner> Connects with interests, passions & aspirations> Actively participates in the designof their learning> Has voice and choice on whatthey learn> Selects technologies and resources to support their learning> Builds a network of peers, experts,teachers to guide and support theirlearning> Competency-based where thelearner demonstrates mastery Published by Personalize > Starts with groups of learners> Adjusts to learning needs of groups of learners> Explicit instruction based onlearning needs of groups> Teacher adapts instruction andchooses roles for learners> Technologies and resources areselected for groups to support theirlearning > Learners reliant on guidance of teachers to support their learning> Based on Carnegie unit (seat time) and grade level
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