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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Project Cornerstone in Elementary schools In 2010, Project Cornerstone administered Search Institute surveys to 38,000 students in 200+ schools in 26 Santa Clara County districts. They measure developmental asset levels,as well as thriving indicators and risk behaviors. The higher the percentage, the more likely students are to thrive. YOU can make a difference! There are external and internal assets, and four categories within each: There are external and internal assets, and four categories within each: External Assets Internal Assets Support 88%63%53%52%65%52% Empowerment 33%53%32%62% Boundaries and Expectations 7. Community values Youth 8. Youth as Resources 9. Service to Others 10. Safety 11. Family Boundaries12. School Boundaries13. Neighborhood Boundaries14. Adult Role Models15. Positive Peer Influence16. High Expectations 60%87%49%52%91%92% Those with an arrow indicate a 3 or more percent improvement from 2005. For details and information relating to the assets, please see Constructive Use of TIme 17. Creative Activities18. Youth Programs19. Religious Community20. Time at Home 66%56%50%31% Commitment to Learning 21. Achievement Motivation22. School Engagement23. Homework24. Bonding to School25. Reading for Pleasure 78%62%84%83%63% Positive Values 26. Caring27. Equality & Social Justice 28. Integrity29. Honesty30. Responsibility31. Healthy Lifestyle 87%71%83%89%84%84% Social Competencies 32. Planning & Decision-making33. Interpersonal Competence34. Cultural Competence35. Resistance Skills36. Peaceful Conflict Resolution 54%54%69%79%85% Positive Identity 37. Personal Power38. Self-esteem39. Sense of Purpose40. Positive view of Personal Future41. Positive Cultural Identity 63%66%48%61% What does all of this mean? Saratoga's scores were very comparable to the rest of the county, and they did not differ depending on race, gender, or socioeconomic status. The circumstances and responses are universal, and need to be addressed. The arrows indicate areas where there have been marked improvement, likely due to Project Cornerstone. :) What can you do? There are so many ways to get involved - no only with your child, but with your community. It takes a village, and we must provide a nurturing one. Spend more time listening than talking. Know your children's friends: be there for them, too. Get involved! Read emails via eNews and ABC parents Engage with your child AND their friends Take the Taking it Personally training Become a reader ~ it's beyond rewarding! 1. Family Support2. Positive Family Communication3. Other Adult Relationships4. Caring Neighborhood5. Caring School Climate6. Parent Involvement in Schooling Take a Stand: Ask questions: "What was the best part of your day?" All credits for data and intervention are from Project Cornerstone
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