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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Evacuating Baltimore If you are stuck in an emergency, and you are evacuatingBaltimore MD, the city is dark. Also, as you are leaving there are a lot of road signs turned off. If the issue is a weather hazard you will see people and closing and locking all of their windows and doors. Then, everyone in The Inner Harbor will be dockingtheir boats so they dont blow away. In addition, it is really crowded trying to get everyone out of the city. In conclusion, if there ever was need for an evacuation, it would be a crazy mess! By: Richie Nichols, Suzanna Wright, and Delaney Herbert A safe, effective evacuation versus a non safe, ineffective evacuation can be the difference between life and death. Pre- Planning is a must for an effective evacuation. There should also be an informative warning system. A good warning system must include the severity of the evacuation, why you are evacuating, and how much time you have to evacuate. This makes the evacuation more organized whereas an unsafe evacuation may not have a warning system or one that is unclear. Another thing that must happen for an evacuation to be safe is that once evacuated find shelter immediately unlike an unsafe evacuation where you might stay outside or in an unsafe environment. Taking shortcuts through the city to evacuate is not safe, so to stay safe during evacuating take normal routes. You should never come back into the city before it is safe. We need to avoid injuries and bad traffic during evacuations. To begin, injuries are concerning to everyone during evacuations. The problem is when traffic gets jammed, and people cant move. The storm, Hurricane, tsunami etc. will come through and take you out. In addition, we can stop this by keeping traffic moving. The Homeland Security is working on keeping traffic moving. Lastly, if you dont know what to do alerts come from everywhere. Your car, the radio, text alerts, and sirens. In conclusion, I hope we can stop further injuries during evacuations. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Food Water Phone Radio First Thing on Your Packing List Cities Appearance Safest Transportation Common Injuries Reasons to Keep you from Evacuating Buildings are locked Lights are out Noticed nothing Backroads are blocked 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Car Bus Boat Train 3rd or 4th degree burn Flesh wound Conncussion 0 10 20 30 Family Traffic Work Responsibilities Not Having Transportation Broken bone If you are stuck in an emergency, you are evacuating Baltimore MD, the city is dark. Also, as you are leaving there are a lot of road signs turned off. If the issue is a weather hazard you will see people and closing and locking all of their windows and doors. Then, everyone on the Inner Harbor will be docking their boats so they dont blow away. In addition, it is really crowded trying to get everyone out of the city. In conclusion, if there ever was need for an evacuation, it would be a crazy mess! Families need ways to pack for evacuations and need to know how they do so. To begin, you have to get a box or something that can hold materials. Secondly, you need food for three days and one gallon of water for each person. Next, you need a radio and phones charged. Fourthly, youll need to know where to go and what to listen to. Tune into WBAL radio for evacuation steps and what to do. Lastly, if anyone gets hurt everyone needs to stay calm. In conclusion, families need to know what to do when danger strikes. Evacuations never go as smoothly as planned. Three general issues that prevent citizens from evacuating Baltimore are traffic, medical reasons, and emergency personnels. Traffic can stop many citizens from exiting the city because there are so many people on the roads. There are two main highways that lead to the north and the south. These routes are, 83 north and 395 south to 95. Once entering the beltway there could possibly be a complete stop. If you dont have a car you have to rely on Baltimore's mass transportation such as Trains, Busses, Taxis, and the metro which will be backed up as well. If you are an emergency personnel you have to stay in Baltimore. The police as well as fire fighters stay for law enforcement and emergencies. Lastly, if you are a patient in critical condition at the hospital you have to stay as well as the doctor helping the patient. If the patient has such a severe condition they might have to be transported out with an ambulance which is why ambulance technicians have to stay in Baltimore. Evacuations never go as smoothly as planned. Three general issues that prevent citizens from evacuating Baltimore are traffic, medical reasons, and emergency personnels. Traffic can stop many citizens from exiting the city because there are so many people on the roads. There are two main highways that lead to the north and the south. These routes are, 83 north and 395 south to 95. Once entering the beltway there could possibly be a complete stop. If you dont have a car you have to rely on Baltimore's mass transportation such as Trains, Busses, Taxis, and the metro which will be backed up as well. If you are an emergency personnel you have to stay in Baltimore. The police as well as fire fighters stay for law enforcement and emergencies. Lastly, if you are a patient in critical condition at the hospital you have to stay as well as the doctor helping the patient. If the patient has such a severe condition they might have to be transported out with an ambulance which is why ambulance technicians have to stay in Baltimore. Evacuations never go as smoothly as planned. Three general issues that prevent citizens from evacuating Baltimore are traffic, medical reasons, and emergency personnels. Traffic can stop many citizens from exiting the city because there are so many people on the roads. There are two main highways that lead to the north and the south. These routes are, 83 north and 395 south to 95. Once entering the beltway there could possibly be a complete stop. If you dont have a car you have to rely on Baltimores mass transportation such as Trains, Busses, Taxis, and the metro which will be backed up as well. If you are an emergency personnel you have to stay in Baltimore. The police as well as fire fighters stay for law enforcement and emergencies. Lastly, if you are a patient in critical condition at the hospital you have to stay as well as the doctor helping the patient. If the patient has such a severe condition they might have to be transported out with an ambulance which is why ambulance technicians have to stay in Baltimore. Evacuations never go as smoothly as planned. Three general issues that prevent citizens from evacuating Baltimore are traffic, medical reasons, and emergency personnels. Traffic can stop many citizens from exiting the city because there are so many people on the roads. There are two main highways that lead to the north and the south. These routes are, 83 north and 395 south to 95. Once entering the beltway, there could possibly be a complete stop. If you dont have a car you have to rely on Baltimore's mass transportation such as trains, buses, taxis, and the metro which will be backed up as well. If you are an emergency personnel you have to stay in Baltimore. The police as well as fire fighters stay for law enforcement and emergencies. Lastly, if you are a patient in critical condition at the hospital you have to stay as well as the doctor helping the patient. If the patient has such a severe condition they might have to be transported out with an ambulance which is why ambulance technicians have to stay in Baltimore.
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