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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Outsiders Plot Exposition:-Johnny is jumped by Soc's.-Walking home from the movies,Ponyboy is also jumped, but saved by his buddies.-Pony and Johnny go to the movies, befriending Soc girls Cherry and Marcia.-Cherry and Marcia are picked up by theirSoc boyfriends.-Ponyboy and Johnny spend the night inthe park, and are approached by a gangof Socs'. Rising Action- Ponyboy and Johnny areattacked by the Socs', causing Johnny tostab one named Bob in self defense.-Ponyboy and Johnny go on the run, beingdirected by Dally to an abandoned Churchin Windrixville.-When they're leaving Windrixville afterstaying there a couple of days, they noticethe church burning and go in to save the kidsinside.-Johnny is critically injured inthe rescue, leaving him hospitalized.-An "end all" rumble begins between the greasers and Socs'. The Greasers win. Ponyboy is rushedby Dallly to see Johnny, as his condition is worsening.Climax: Johnny dies in the hospital in front of Ponyboy and Dally, with Dally yelling, punching the wall and dashing out of the hospital.-Ponyboy walks home, stunned.-Dally robs a convenience store, and is drawn into a fight with police.-He pulls out an unloaded gun, points it at the police, and they shoot him.Falling action: Ponyboy goes through the stages of grief.He has familytroubles with Darry, and begins to fall behind in school and with friends. Resolution: Ponyboy is told he is failing English class, but can improve his grade with an excellent term paper.He decides to write about his experiences in recent times, andthe reader discovers that "The Outsiders is his "term paper." Theme Don't lose your innocence. -When Johnny tells Ponyboy to "stay gold,meaning don't lose your innocence.-When Two-Bit tells Ponyboy "not to get toughlike Dally."-Despite the fact that Ponyboy says "Get tough oryou get hurt, he is still "gold," as shown by when hepicks of the pieces of a pop bottle he broke, and when he writes the term paper to keep his grades up, showinghe still cares.- double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. The book shows that if you get tough like Dally (shown above),you can meet an end like his too. Character Analysis Dally was living proof thatif you get too caught up in being"tough," you can get hurt badly. Ponymentions that Johnny was the only thingDallas ever loved, and because he was socold and unfeeling, when Johnny died, inhis eyes, he had nothing more to live for. Dally He was from the streetsand gangs of New York,without any real family, so he'd lived his whole life coldand almost heartless. He wasoften jailed, as Ponyboy said,showing his reckless andcareless demeanor. He said whenin the car to see Johnny, "if hewould've gotten tough, this neverwould've happened. That could'vebeen why seeing Johnnys' death wasso difficult for him, because he could'vetried to "save" him. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to change this header text! double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. A black handled switchblade,much like the one Dally takes fromTwo-Bit in the book.
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