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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Human Wrecking Ball Human effects on nature and its consequnces. By Jonathan Rodriguez and Kris Shewmaker Nakagiri et al. 2010: Ecological Systematics, Loiselle et al. 2010: Journal of Biogeography, Reopanichkul et al. 2009: Marine Pollution Bulletin, Diffendorfer et al. 2007: Biological Conservation,, Human-caused pollution is oneof the largest of theseinfluences on coral reef destruction.Pollution does not justinfluence the reefs themselves,but also produce a cascade ofeffects on various populationsthat rely on these reefs(Reopanichkul et al 2009).According to the Save ourSeas Foundation, These coralreefs are what 25% of marinelife calls home, and over 80%of these reefs are currently atrisk of being destroyed. Large scale deforestation has caused changes inenvironmental conditions by altering bird lifestyle anddiversity. Habitat destruction has decreased variability and therefore has reduced bird reproductive success (Loiselle et al. 2010). Destroying the location of reproduction for birds does not allow for them to properly survive and thrive in their environment. Species are currently threatened by many of the changes that occur in their environment due to human interactions. Our future research will be conducted in Mission Trails Regional Park, where highway 52 is the major human disturbance thathas caused changes to the environment. We willbe focusing on how anthropogenic noise affects the distribution of birds from the highway. Thisresearch will allow us to understand how humandisturbances can cause a behavioral change inbirds. This research can therefore allow for futureconsideration of species that are sound sensitive,before any human changes occur in theirenvironment. Southern California's coastal sage scrub is a current target for destruction, and also a habitat for many animals.A species of bird known as the California Gnatcatcheris currently listed as an endangered species andcalls these areas home. Property ownersand developers are currently petitioning to havethese birds removed from the endangered species list in order to destroy coastal sage scrub habitat for homes and commercial businesses ( With these areas being developed, we will lose this habitat andpotentially put other species at risk due to habitat loss.Diffendorfer et al (2007) show that disturbance ofcoastal sage scrub habitat can reduce diversityin its communities, as it is suggested that minimizingdisturbance in these areas is vital to the plants' life,andthe lives of the organisms that depend on them. Humans are the ultimate destroyers. From forests and oceans, to coastal sage scrub, humans destroy everything in their path. Not onlydoes habitat destruction ruin our scenic views, but it also puts otherspecies at risk of extinction (Nakagiri et al 2010). Some prime examplesof this are deforestation, the destruction of habitat for the commercial and residential homes and businesses, and the destructionof our oceans due to pollution. Humans are the ultimate destroyers. From forests and oceans, to coastal sage scrub, humans destroy everything in their path. Not onlydoes habitat destruction ruin our scenic views, but it also puts otherspecies at risk of extinction (Nakagiri et al 2010). Some prime examplesof this are deforestation, the destruction of habitat for the commercial and residential homes and businesses, and the destructionof our oceans due to pollution. Conservation
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