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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Outpost Genre: Apocalyptic Paranormal Author: Ann Aguirre Theme Deuce discovers a new world strange to her. freaks on the surface were smarter than the ones under ground.Fights for Salvation to survive the horde of freaks. Deuce double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Deuce is a huntress and helps protect Salvation Deuce isn't like other girlsand wants to fight for her camplike she did in her enclave in the tunnels Deuce is a blonde hair girl that's pale from being underground for so long and has two knifes holstered to her thighs.(16 years old) In Salvation the women believe the freaks are attacking the camp because of Deuceand want her kicked out(person vs society) Plot double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Soldier's set up a Outpostto watch over the crop'sand the grower's. Freaks ruin the grow fieldsand mount fallensoldier's head'son sticks Deuce, Fade, and Stalkerfind a village of freak's right by Salvation. Deuce enters a freak hordeto find Fade and find'sout the freak's are cagingthe human's like animal's. Deuce's mentor Longshotgets over-runned andkilled by freak's infront of her. I gave this book a 5because it had a lotof action and wasfun to read. What scares Deucewhen she is fightinga freak? A. Started to use weapons.B. Freaks looked more humannow.C.Used strategy to kill.D. Was able to understand and reply to her. A. Started to use weapons.B. Freaks looked more humannow.C.Used strategy to kill.D. Was able to understand and reply to her.
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