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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Our Story 1992 - Andrew Born! 2002 - Moved to Menomonee Fallsand began attending F.A.C. 2005 - Met Abby while serving in Children's Ministry 1996 - Abigail Born! I poke, pick on, stealheadbands from, andannoy Abby for many years whileserving in children's ministry We begin texting daily after Mexico, and learning everything about each other. Takingturns asking questions for months. 2012 - Abby and Ispend time really getting to know one another while at Esperanza Viva(Mexico Missions Trip) We pray about our potential relationship Nov. 2012 - I chat with Abby's Mom about liking her daughter(didn't come as muchof a surprise) Oct. 2012 - Abby and Iadmit to each other that we see each otheras more than friends Christmas 2012 -I give Abby an Origamiheart with 4 encoded messages inside March 9th 2013 -Our First Date! Dinner and a showat The Rep! March 22nd 2013 -I give Abby a new Bible for her b-day, with her name engravedin the front(curiously w/o herlast name) July 2014 - As an encouragementwhile in Pittsburgh, I reveal the second message from theOrigami heart....reminding her that "sheis my everything"(cheesy, I know, buttrue!) Jun - Aug 2014 -Abby Spends the summer in Pittsburgh June 2nd 2013 - I take Abby to the PierDowntown at sunset andgive her the first of thefour encoded messages from the origami heart... "I love you"... we haveour first kiss Dating...Dating...Dating... Oct. 2014 -I ask Abby's Mom for her blessing to marry her daughter Nov. 23rd 2014 -I take Abby back to the pier where we had our first kiss, and give her a second Origami heart to compliment the first. Inside is the 3rd message from the first heart decoded..."Will you marry me?"... She says YES!
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