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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ITEM NO. 004 LOGO HERE Improved lifespans ITEM NO. 003 ITEM NO. 005 description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit description here description here description here description here description here 13% 44% 32% 19% 7% Military Improvements. stem cells New knowledgeto be added inour personalscientific dictionary With heightened stem cell regeneration,we could delay aging. SCIENTIFICADVANCE With this knowledge wecould open upmore portalsof previously unimaginablehealthcare. With stem the appropriate stem cell research, we would be able to build super soldiers, with heightened strength, speed, and mental capabilities. Turlough Macgowan, 3rd period. Stem cells are located all across your body, but especially in Bone marrow. Stem cells are the backup cells of your body and whenever your cells break, tear, or die, stem cells are what replace them. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells, meaning they have no current porpoiuse and have yet to be assigned one.This allows the stem cells to replace ANY job in your body, whether its a in a muscle or in an organ, and heal the damage. Disease treatment With stem cells, we wouldbe able to observe howcells react to disease and we could be able to "reprogram"cells to combat a certain disease. Embryonic stem cells Embryonic stem cells (ES cells) are pluripotent stem cells which come from the inner cell collection of a blastocyst, an young embryo. Our embryos reach the blastocyst stage or period 4 or 5 days after pregnancy, at which time they have 50150 cells. Oscorp: Stem cell Research. Adult stem cells. Adult stem cells are undifferentiated cells found in our bodies that replace dying cells and help broken areas. Also known as somatic stem cells.
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