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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Organizing Thematic Instruction Six criteria to promote language development, critical thinking, independence, and interpersonal collaboration The theme builds on students' prior knowledge, including that gained from life experiences and the home culture Content is interesting and relevant to the students. Provide the students to guide the choice of topics, activities, and projects within the theme of study Students are given many opportunities to work together on theme-related projects and activities. Collaboration in pairs and small groups provides students with opportunities to process complex information actively in a low-risk, low-anxiety situation. The teacher consciously creates opportunities for oral language and to experiencedifferent forms and functions of print suited to student interests and goals Classroom atmosphere respects all students, builds on their strengths, supports their efforts, and values their accomplishments. Use of sheltering techniques and various kinds of scaffolding. Give students varied opportunities to display and share their learning. Meaning and Purpose Building on Prior Knowledge Integrated Opportunities to Use Oral and Written Language for Learning Variety Scaffolding for Support Collaboration Variety permeates the learning process-in topics of study, in the ways that learning is shared with others, in the functions of oral and written language used, in roles and responsibilities, and in task difficulty. Interest remains high. Source: Peregoy, S., & Boyle, O. (2013). Classroom Practices for Effective English Learner Instruction. In Reading, Writing and Learning in ESL: A Resource Book for Teaching K-12 English Learners (6th ed., New ed., pp. 108-111). Boston: Pearson. Veronica PeddieTESP 556Dr. Jurchan
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