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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 start from scratch[clears the canvas] Animal Cell Organelles and Their Functions DNA starts entire process by sending out instructions to the organelles. Messages include instructions for the amount of protein the needs to be produced. Sending out instructions for all organelles Nucleolus takes instructions from DNA and makes ribosomes fromprotein. Nucleus stores DNA and nucleolus and keeps them safe Ribosomes create proteins Processes proteinssent by ribosomes Synthesizes lipids from proteinsends them to golgi apparatus Packages protein into vesicles Vesicles; packages of protein that movein and out of the cell Plasma membrane is made upof hydrophilic heads, which form a barrier between the celland cytoplasm Lysosomes; a type of vesicle clean the cell by digestingproteins Peroxisomes; a type of vesiclethat gets rid of toxins Vacuoles, a type of vesicle"food storage" of the cell and holds protein Plasma membrane, semipermiable,controls what goes in and out of the cell Flagella and cilia are longappendages that move things to or away from thecell Mitochondria provides ATP for all the functions, creates amino acid chainswhich become protein Cytoplasm/Cytosol make surechemistry works and keepsthe organelles in place Cytoskeleton provides structureto the cytoplasm/cytosol major parts are made of protein Centrioles consist of microtubules;a type of protein,assists in cell division Help all of the other organelles work correctly
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