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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The article "In an online lab, an exploding test tube is virtually safe". by Los Angelos Times (adapted by NewsELA)explains the rise of colleges, high schools and universities to using online labs to demonstrate scientific skillsinstead of traditional ways to do scientific labs and skills, but the author tells us that there's two sides of theargument; those who believe online labs are better and more proficient, and those who argue against it.I decided to see for myself, so I made an infographic venn diagram demonstration to show you. Virtual Labs vs. Traditional Labs;(Informational Infographic Project) Virtual Science Labs Traditional Science Labs Both in common - While conducting an onlineexperiment, you wont have anylife-endangering effects; every-thing is just a simulation.- All experiments are never"realistic; they're justsimulations.- You don't require anymaterials or tools to do theexperiment; just a laptop oran operating system. - Doing a traditionalexperiment makes youactually do something thatrequires effort.- You need to have theproper tools and materialsneeded for the experiment.- Sometimes, conducting aspecific experiment can harmyou and others. - Both versions of conductinga lab experiment are obviouslyjust relation to science and thepoint of the experiment, justdifferent 'versions'. The author, on the other hand, is most likely on the online experimental labsside because its advancing into projects that are more complex andexperimental. "In an Online Lab, an Exploding Test Tube Is Virtually Safe." Newsela. N.p., 30 Nov. 2014. Web. 04 Dec. 2014.
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