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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Pace Themes/Motifs Symbols Similes Plot Its wrong, my friend, to send any stranger packing / even one who arrives in worse shape than you. / Every stranger and beggar comes from Zeus / and whatever scrap they get from the likes of us / theyll find it welcome Hospitality Even though this book isn't like the other books because of it's lack of adventure and Odysseus doesn't have to face a monster of some sort, but it does give Odysseus one final obstacle: to save his son, wife, and kingdom from the control of the suitors. Loyalty Odysseus tests the Eumaeus's loyalty by telling him a story about how Odysseus gave him a cloak on a freezing night during the Trojan War. Eumaeus shows his loyalty by offering Odysseus a place to sleep by the fire and a cloak to keep him warm. When Eumaeus asks, "ff what father were you born,"he is demonstrating the patriarchal society of Greece during this time." Fate vs. Free Will Disguise/Deceit double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Dreams vs. Reality When Odysseus states, "It was the gods who hid me easily, then led me to here into the fold of one who understands: to let me live may be what fate has planned," he implying that nothing is in his control, but is on the gods' hands. Eumaeus The Cloak Food symbolizes the Greek customs and traditions of hospitality. Food Feasts symbolizes the submission to temptation. In book 14, Eumaeus tells the wanderer (Odysseus) about how the suitors have been killing Odysseus's best swine, drinking his wine, and even trying to suit his wife, Penelope. Feasts Irony Eumaeus symbolizes loyalty. In book 14, Eumaeus speaks well of his former master Odysseus and longs for his return home. He doesn't tolerate the hostile behavior of his new masters and remains loyal to Odysseus. The cloak symbolizes Eumaeus' liking for the wanderer (Odysseus) and it shows his trust in him and friendship with him. Eumaeus passes Odysseus's test of loyalty by giving him his cloak in book 14. The pace of the book starts to slow down at the start of the 13th chapter.The adventures are now less fantastic and chapters 13-24 are focused on Odysseus's return and the themes: hospitality and loyalty. Odysseus, disguised as a wanderer, meets Eumeaus. Eumaeus states how he longs for Odysseus's return to the wanderer, not knowing that it was really Odysseus, demonstrating an example of dramatic irony. When Eumaeus states, "here you stand like one of the immortals," he is illustrating Odysseus's hubris.
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