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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 OUTREACH Currently, we are following our student in a pilot launch of the program. As we get feedback, we will expand and develop the program to ensure a positive experience for all stakeholders. Other transportation agencies, such as Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation, have found long-term retention success among high school students who have completed summer and co-op placements. Specialist High Skills Program (SHSM) Developed by AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Professionals), TRAC and RIDES are applied science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education programs for students in grades K-12. The program provides schools with curricula and resources, as well as contacts with engineers to make classrooms visits. DSO is in a partnership with the Ministry of Education to bring TRAC and RIDES to Ontario schools. This project is in the research stages as the Ministry of Education is reviewing the module material against the Ontario Curriculum. Once DSO receives confirmation that programmaterial is in line with the current curriculum, we will connect with teaching professionals to create an implementation strategy. Pilot opportunities are expected to begin in the 2015-2016 school year. TRAC & RIDES programs Each of PHM's regions is involved in various outreach activities that are tailored regional needs and opportunties. Outreach activities are wide-rangingand have included: Regional Outreach Ontario Civil Construction Careers Institute (OCCCI) Partnership Grades 11 & 12 Students SpecialistHigh Skills Major TRAC & RIDESPrograms High SchoolStudents K - Grade 12 & K - Grade 8Students
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