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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 429 survey responses 350 focus group participants Olave Program Review Update 17% are solelyOlaves 60% of members aged 18-30 are Unit Leaders ACROSS AUSTRALIA: What are the most important aspects of a program for young women? Guides say:1. Self-development2. Leadership development3. Outdoors4. Service5. International Guiding Olaves say:1. Self-development2. Social networking3. Service4. Outdoors5. Leadership development Guide: I think the Olave Program is important because having a group for young adults means they can do more adventurous activities or learn how to become Guide Leaders if they wish to. Guide: I think the Olave Program is important because having a group for young adults means they can do more adventurous activities or learn how to become Guide Leaders if they wish to. Over 30s say:1. Self-development2. Service3. Leadership development4. Promise and Law5. Social networking Olave: if you comparethe Olave Program withGuides or even Rovers,there's really not enough of anything resources,publicity, groups, badges,identity, events. If we arenot Leaders, there is notmuch for us. Olave: if you comparethe Olave Program withGuides or even Rovers,there's really not enough of anything - resources,publicity, groups, badges,identity, events. If we arenot Leaders, there is notmuch for us. Over 30: I feel that Guiding members in the 1830 agegroup are really important.I would like to see so manymore having a clearer leadership role in Guiding leading Units, Regions and State activities. Currentlyit seems a bit ad hoc and directionless. Can we make the Olave Program valuable for both its members and for Guiding? Over 30: I feel that Guiding members in the 18-30 agegroup are really important.I would like to see so manymore having a clearer leadership role in Guiding - leading Units, Regions and State activities. Currentlyit seems a bit ad hoc and directionless. Can we make the Olave Program valuable for both its members and for Guiding? Only 6% of Olaves use the OlaveProgram Resource regularly 23% are Assistant Unit Leaders or Unit Helpers Olave: I feel that being a Leader is a way to give back to Guiding, but the Olave Program is a way to do something for myself. At this age we are learning to be adults, and it's great to be able to carry on Guiding, but in a meaningful, more challenging way. Olave: I feel that being a Leader is a way to give back to Guiding, but the Olave Program is a way to do something for myself. At this age we are learning to be adults, and it's great to be able to carry on Guiding, but in a meaningful, more challenging way. 91% of 18-30s use Facebookon a daily basis 80% of over 30s would recommend the Olave Program to current Guides or young Leaders How can we encourage youngwomen to stay in Guiding? - Flexibility to suit their busy lives- Chances to stay connected to currentGuiding friends and make new ones- Promoting international experiences- Support through informal mentoring- Offering a variety of opportunities for self-development and learning - Lack of knowledge about it even inGuiding - lack of promotion- Not enough Peer Groups- Olaves aren't readily recognisable- Many Olaves just wanting to have fun, few are willing to help run events- Young women have very busy lives What are some challenges facing the Olave Program? Visit for more information A sneak peek at some things we'vebeen learning from members of Guiding over the past months. More updates to come! THANK YOU ALL!
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