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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 California's Law Nurse to Patient Controversy Ratios The Minimum licenced nurse-to-patient ratio inmedical, surgical, medical/surgical, ED, and mixed units is 1:5 Personal Opinions (Department of health, 2005) > Extra patients for nurses means increasedrisk for burnout with nurses> Patient care decreases with increase nurse workload> Cost savings long-term with retention of staff and better patient outcomes due to decreased risk for errors and readmissions People Against Staffing Law: People for Staffing Law: > Nurses experience & expertise not takeninto account with staffing> 50% of scheduled nurses have to be registerednurses the other 50% could be licensed nurseswhich is assuming both are = educational wise> Nurse: patient ratios that are mandated don't have the evidence based research to supportthe specific ratio numbers> Employers save money by having nursescomplete additional non-nursing tasks, and decrease funding for supplies, continuingnursing education, etc. "In 2008, CMS established new regulations linking Medicare hospital payment to patient outcomes" (American Society, 2008) More than 80,000 nurses have entered California's work force sincemandatory patient ratios were placed in effect. (Tevington, P., 2011) "The most powerful stakeholders and lobbyists for theprofession of nursing are the American Nurses Associa -tion (ANA) and the American Hospital Association,which are both opposed to mandatory nurse-patientratios" (Tevington, P., 2011) Controversy I agree with the ANA and other opposing members.Staffing issues will not be solved by simply 'assigning' nurse:patient ratios. They will be solved through a collaborative approach with all health care members. Education level & experience of the nurses as well as patient conditions will be taken into account for staffing needs. Health care companies need to realize that hiring more nurses will lead to decreased long term costs because staff morale, and retention will increase while nurse burnout decreases. Patients' will also have increased care and decreased riskfor major medical short comings. Stephanie Grutz, 2013
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