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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Every year Americans are involedin starting or growing a young business. Manyof these entrepreneurs seek capital from equityinvestors - either Angel Investors or VentureCapitalists. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus @angel | @venture Venture Angels Statistics about per deal Although most VC firms have a websiteand other ways of sending in cold call solicitations, it is best to be referred toa VC by someone who is know to the VC. MARKET SIZE 1. helping stimulate growth 2. Symptoms VC investment 2 50B+ 20B Angel investment 30B Combined 1 The average angel investor has an annual income of $90,000, a net worth of $750,000and invests $37,000 per venture *resources - Infection is caused by a strainof staph bacteria that's becomeresistant to the antibiotics commonlyused to treat ordinary staph infections. 20 million MRSA infection is caused by a strainof staph bacteria that's becomeresistant to the antibiotics commonlyused to treat ordinary staph infections. infection is caused by a strainof staph bacteria that's becomeresistant to the antibiotics commonlyused to treat ordinary staph infections. Start as small red bumps that resemble pimples, boils or spider bites These can quickly turn into deep, painful abscesses that require surgical draining they can then burrow deep into the bodycausing potentially life-threateninginfections in bones, joints, surgical wounds, the bloodstreamheart valves and lungs.
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