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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 HASHBoil large pot of water.Peel potatoes and dice into 1/2 inch cubes. Chop onions. Place potatoes in water.In a blender, mix avocados, greek yogurt, juice of limes, and cilantro.Remove potatoes from water. Arrange on baking sheet with onions and olive oil. Place in oven.Stir potatoes and add salt and pepper.Boil water (two pots if necessary to poach 8 eggs) with vinegar.Remove from oven. Crack one egg into ramekin and gently lower into boiling water. Repeat with all eggs. Remove from water using a slotted spoon after 3 minutes.Serve potatoes topped with avocado sauce and poached egg. cooking time - 85down time - 25ready in - 110serves - 8 NEW YEAR'S BRUNCH 60 90 by CITRUS SALADPlace almonds on baking sheet and bake.Remove almonds from oven and allow to cool.Peel fruit with serrated knife and cut into 1/4 inch slices.Zest 1 lemon. Grind with sugar, cardamom and cooled almonds until consistency of sand.Heat pan to medium.Spread mixture into pan stirring continuously until a brittle begins to form. Immediately transfer to a clean dish.When ready to serve, pour champagne over fruit and top with almond sugar. CITRUS SALAD1 grapefruit2 lemons2 blood orange3 oranges1/4c Champagne1/4t caradamom1/4c whole almonds1/4c sugarHASH2lbs sweet potatoes2lbs russet potatoes1lb yellow onions2 avocados2/3c greek yogurt2 limes4T cilantro2t salt3T olive oil8 eggs1t vinegarCURRANT SCONES3c flour2T sugar1T baking powder1 orange3 eggs1/2c unsalted butter1c heavy cream2T brown sugar1c currants CURRANT SCONESMix dry ingredients and zest of orange.Pre heat oven to 325 degrees.Rub cubes of butter in the dry mix until small pea sized balls form.Make a well in the center and pour in one beaten egg and cream. Mix until wet dough is formed.Transfer dough to floured surface and kneed in currants. Form dough into rectangle 1 inch high. Cut into triangles and place on baking sheet lined with parchment paper.Beat 2 eggs with 1T water. Brush triangles with egg wash and sprinkle with brown sugar.Place in over at 325 degrees.Remove from oven. 120 30 0 6060677275859095105110 20303140434555 05615182040 40 110 55
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