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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Origin of Dollar Name Did You Know ... The Color of Dollar In the 1800s new photography technology was being used to counterfeit the paper money. So, It was decided to invent a system for keeping the dollar from being copied. As photographic technology of the day could not reproduce color, it was decided the back of the currency paper would be printed in a color other than black. Of all the colors green was the most resistant to chemical and physical changes. Besides, it was psychologically identified with stability and strength. So green was selected as the new standard color of the American dollar. There are many other references to US Dollar:Buck, Clam, Dead President, Greenmail, Bone, Coin, Frog, Ducket, Cabbage, Green, Potato, Cash, and Greenback. The other well-known names like Washingtons (for $1), Jeffersons (for $2), Lincolns (for $5), Hamiltons (for $10), Jacksons (for $20), Grants (for$50), and Benjamins (for $100) are based on denomination. Nicknames Interesting Facts The portraits of living individuals may not appear on United States currency.The only woman whose portrait has appeared on a U.S. currency note is Martha Washington. The US paper bill is rather durable so it takes about 4,000 double folds before it tears.The paper money is made from 75% cotton and 25% linen that is why it does not turn yellow over time. Besides, such composition of the paper makes it difficult to counterfeit. Euro Euro The euro is the currency of the Eurozone. The official members of the Eurozone are Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain. Though Monaco,San Marino, the Vatican City and Andorra are not the members of EU, they are allowed to use the euro as their currency and issue euro coins according to the agreementswith the EU. Two countries have unilaterally adopted the euro as their currency: Kosovo and Montenegro. They are not allowed to issue euros.The single currencys name "euro" was approved in 1995.The euro was first introduced in 1999, but for the first twoyears it was only an electronic currency. The firstbanknotes and coins appeared only in 2002. The symbol of euro is . It comes from the Greek epsilon(the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet) that represents the firstletter of the word Europe. There are two parallel horizontal lines across the sign that indicate the stability of the euro. Origin of Euro Sign Nicknames Euros widespread nickname is single currency as it is the single currency of 24 European countries. It is also nicknamed fiber that derives from the fact that the materialused for euro banknotes consists of pure cotton fiber that makes the currency more durable giving it a special feel. Interesting Facts Did You Know ... It was in France where the first euro coin was produced.Today euro is the second biggest reserve currency as well as the most traded currency after U.S. dollar. The currency has exceeded the U.S. dollar having the highest combined value of banknotes and coins in circulation worldwide. Japanese Yen Japanese Yen The Japanese Yen is the official currency of Japan.The Yen was officially introduced as the newstandard currency in 1871 to simplify and centralize the Japan currency as differentones were in circulation at the same time. Origins of Yen Name The word Yen literally means round object or circle in Japanese that indicates the shape of coins used by other countries. The currency name is actually pronounced as en in Japanese as the language has no `ye' sound.This comes from the Japanese-to-English dictionary of Walter Henry Medhurst who just made a mistake. Later, following Medhurst, James Curtis Hepburn spelled all "e"s as "ye" in his dictionary. This affected the Westerners in Japan. In his later edition Hepburn changed "ye"s to "e" excluding the word "yen" as such pronunciation was already in wide use and has remained so since then. Origins of Yen Sign The currency symbol (¥) looks like the capital letter Y with one or two horizontal bars across it. It was probably invented by similarity with the pound sterling and US dollar signs. Interesting Facts Did You Know ... The 5 yen and 50 yen coins have round holes in thecentre that makes them harder to counterfeit.The 5 yen coin is considered a lucky charm in Japanas it is composed of zinc and copper that gives it a sparkling hue. Besides, it is the only Japanese coinin circulation that has no Arabic number on it (the other coins display their values in Arabic numbers).The Japanese Yen is the third most traded currency in the world after the US dollar and the euro. Pound Sterling Pound Sterling The Pound Sterling, commonly known simply as the pound, is the official currency of the United Kingdom, Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, SouthGeorgia and the South Sandwich Islands, the British Antarctic Territory andTristan da Cunha. It is the oldest currency in the world that is still in use. The Pound Sterling dates its origins back to the year 760. The first paper currency itself appeared in 1694.All Sterling banknotes were handwritten until 1855,when the first fully printed notes were issued. Origins of Pound Sterling Name Origins of Pound Sterling Sign The pound sign is £ or that is just a capital letter L with two cross-bars(now it is usually written with a single cross-bar), written in an old-fashionedhandwriting style. The L was the abbreviation for the Latin word Librae(the basic Roman unit of weight). According to one of the most popular theories, the symbol derives from the initialsof the United States, i.e. U.S. The capital "U" was written on a capital "S" then the lower part of the "U" was removed. It ended up writing the dollar symbol with two vertical lines.The other more widely accepted theory states the sign $ actually comes from the abbreviation for the word "peso". Pesos were expressed as "ps" and with time the "s" came to be written over the "p". So, a close equivalent to the "$" mark was developed. Interesting Facts The name of the currency is generally shortened to either Pound or Sterling. It also may be referred to as a Quid, Nicker and Squid.The currency pair GBP/USD is called Cable by many Forex Traders. The Nickname derives from the Trans-Atlantic telegraph cable laid under the Atlantic Ocean that was used to transmit the currency exchangerates from Britain to the United States. Queen Elizabeth II was the first British head of state whose portrait was appeared on pound sterling notes.The date of production is always marked on the coins, but in 2009 about 100,000 20p mistakenly went into circulation without dates.To buy them back £50 were offered for each, while some sellers on eBay were asking up to £5,000. The term Pound comes from times when the British pound had an equal value to the one pound (weight) of sterling silver. According to the widely accepted theory the word Sterling comes from the Anglo-Saxon word steorling recorded earlier in Old French esterlin (meaning little star).The word referred to a Norman silver coin marked with a small star. US Dollar US Dollar Nicknames The word 'dollar' derives from the word"taler" short for Joachimstaler referring to a coin minted in Joachimsthal inBohemia (now Jáchymov in the Czech Republic). The term was later applied to a coin used in the Spanish-American andthe British North American colonies. The Most Traded Currencies The word 'dollar' itself derives from the word "taler" short for Joachimstalerreferring to a coin minted in Joachimsthalin Bohemia (now Jáchymov in the Czech Republic). The term was later applied to a coin used in the Spanish-American andthe British North American colonies. Origin of Dollar Name
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