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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Need for Research on Bystander Support To solve a problem, we must first understand it "If I had an hour to solve a problem, I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem,and 5 minutes thinking about solutions." Albert Einstein According to Research by R.J. Hazler of Penn State University, Children and adult bystanders who witness repeated abuse inflicted on others may experience both a psychological and physiological stress level that, over time, can equal that of the victim. Victims of Abuse Bystanders of Abuse Approximately two thirds of victims report bystander presence Each year, 1.2 million women and 700,000 men in the UK are victims of domestic abuse 30.0% of women and 16.3% of men have reported being victims of domestic abuse at least once since the age of 16 We don't know how many bystanders of abuse there are We don't know whomost bystanders are. Research shows that most victims of domestic abuse are women and children.Victims are often scared, and canfeel dependant on their abuser. Using available research data, groups like Women's Aid, victim support and Refuge have been able to develop safe havens, helplines, counselling programs and many,many more projects tailored to the victims needs These projects have lead to a dramatic increase in options and support available to victims of domesticabuse, targeting the right help in the right way to the people who need it most. At the Empowerment Network UK, we want to do the same for bystanders. In order to effectively help bystanders of abuse, we need to encourage research, and we need to help researchers share their results We have peer to peer support, online facilities for researchers and bystanders, and are developing a scientific help us further promote research. With tailored, research-driven support, we could help support hundreds of thousandsof people in not only improving their lives, but empowering them to in turn help others. ? ? ? (Need some kind of imagery here depicting a person being helped, who in turn helps another person) (Something to wrap it up with? Closing text & image.) Footnote citing sources from R.J Hazler & Marcela Webers research, plus stats from ONS
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