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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Prisoners and People at Risk Natalie Luken Human Rights PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE People who have been jailed because of their political, religious, ethnic origin, sex, color,language, national origin, economic status, birth, or sexual orientation. People who have been jailed because of their political, religious, ethnic origin, sex, color,language, national origin, economic status, birth, or sexual orientation. for PEOPLE AT RISK PEOPLE AT RISK Indigenous People: States fail to recognize and uphold the rights of their people. Discriminated Groups:People are denied their basic rights because of who they are. Migrants or Refugees:People leave their homes for a better life, and sometimes their new lives are denied basic rights. Needed Reform Release Prisoners of ConscienceProvide a fair trial to all prisonersRefrain from ill-treatment or tortureStop unjust arrests "'Free speech' isn't so free when it costs you your liberty. In countries around the world, the right to express one's thoughts and beliefs is under assault." Enforced Disappearances An enforced disappearance occurs when a person is arrested or abducted by the state, and the state denies that they have the person. The Death Penalty The death penalty is the supreme denial of human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides everyone with the right to life. This act denies a prisoner their life. Amnesty International
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