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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Napoleon & Nationalism Amongst the list of Napoleon Bonapartesdefining traits like his infamous ego and his capability to perform strategic military tactics,his love for acquiring more power and influence is found. Bonaparte ruled France as its Emperor from 1804-1815. Over these years, he acquired a tremendous amount of lands and enforced his ideas and policies on the conquered territories. Because of these impositions, resentment in theseterritories grew towards the French along with the pride for their own language and culture. This phenomenon called nationalism remains a major legacy of Napoleon Bonapartes occupation throughout Europe. - Demanded that the Napoleonic Code applied to all conquered lands - Disregarded diplomatic systems in other countries by creating republics - Blatantly practiced nepotism by placing his relatives in high positions within the republics - Abolished the Holy Roman Empire and made it the Confederation of the Rhine - Forced his empire to abide to the Continental System which obviously was made to benefit France mostly, rather than all of the occupied lands - Replaced the Bourbon king of Spain with his brother Jerome in 1808 Napoleon created republics in Italy and placed his relatives as the heads. He also created the Duchy of Warsaw out of what used to be Poland so that France could over see it and created the Kingdom of Holland with Louis Bonaparte as its king. He attained the lands of the Holy Roman Empire and successfully dissolved it and replaced it with the Confederation of the Rhine. Lastly, he conquered Spain and appointed his brother as its king. German nationalists rejected Frances influence on their nation. They argued that the unique qualities of the German culture is rooted in the lands ancestors and the German culture and language is the common ground that unites all of the (what used to be) Holy Roman Empire. They reinforced the pride the people should holdfor their culture and resist French influence and Napoleons reign. Resentment Grows Conquered Territories Germain Retaliation For example, J.G. Fichte was a German Romantic philosopher and nationalist who wrote an 'Address to the German Nation' in an attempt to inspire anti-Napoleonic and pro-German Nationalistic movements in the German population. Also, mortified with the domination of French culture in Germany, Johann Gottfried Herder glorified German culture and advocated for the revival of German culture including. He spent his life gathering German songs, sayings, and writings including Jakob and Wilhelm Grimms German fairy tales. Spanish Retaliation In 1808, Napoleon coerced Spains King to renounce his throne and replaced him with Joseph, Napoleons brother. The French reign was instantly resented, as the Napoleonic Code, which greatly endorsed religious freedom, was valid in the country and permitted other religions other than Roman Catholicism throughout the land. This begrudged the Spanish especially,because a huge part of their culture was their Catholic religion. Filled with pride for their culture and country, the Spanish, along with aid from the British sent Napoleon out of Spain and on the road to his final defeat. Brown, Anne S. K. "Timeline of Napoleon's Empire (1798-1821)." Timeline of Napoleon's Empire (1798-1821). Brown University Library, 2014. Web. 12 Jan. 2015. Legacy of Nationalism One of the greatest effects of Napoleons occupation throughout Europe was the rise in nationalism. Because conquered lands resented his efforts to control each country and enforce French culture, the countries retaliated by embracing their own. This led to the unification of both Italy and Germany. In conclusion, after Napoleons defeat, all throughout Europe, pride in ones nation grew. Sources:AP AchieverKeganAP History Notes
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