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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 start from scratch[clears the canvas] 3 2 1 The report of the Regents Commission on Library Services was unanimously accepted on July 14, 2000 and included Recommendation 2: Ensure that all New York's students are information literate by providing strong school library media programs that include appropriately certified professional staff, adequate resources, and technology (New York State Library, Final Report). Expand the existing Commissioners Regulations (91.2) to require an elementary school librarian in every school to strengthen instructional leadership in meeting the P-12 Common Core Learning Standards, and enforce library staffing regulations in all public schools. (New York State Library, Creating the Future). Elementary School Librarians: NYLASSL Position Elementary School Librarians: NYLA/SSL Position The lack of an elementary school librarian translated to lower performance on fourth-grade standardized tests. The research also indicates that theselower reading scores cant be blamed on cuts to other school staff. In elementary schools with a certified (vs. non-certified) library media specialist, students have significantly higher achievement scores on the 4th grade ELA test (Small, Snyder and Parker). Students who demonstrate on-grade literacy levels by the third grade perform better on standardized assessments and in classrooms throughout elementary and secondary school years, tending to save schools and districts money through reductions in remedial and special education placements (New York Comprehensive Center). Universal findings from over 60 studies in impact studies conducted in 22 states conclude that schools with a well-equipped library, staffed by a full-time certified school librarian and appropriate support staff contribute significantly to gains in student learning (Baltimore). Teachers were three times more likely to rate their literacy teaching as excellent when they collaborated with librarians (American Association of School Librarians). 4 6 5 7
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