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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 VENN DIAGRAMS SHOW DYNAMIC INFORMATION AND ARE GREAT TO LOOK AT ADDING TEXTHERE EMPTY CONCEPT CREATE PLAIN CONTENT FILL MEIN WITH INTERESTINGCOPY FULL STARTHERE NIHL double click to change this header text! double click to change this title text! Definition Cure Prevention Facts Picture of the Ear By: WebMD "GenerationDeaf." Generation Deaf. Web. 7 Jan. 2015. < Sources"GenerationDeaf." Generation Deaf. Web. 7 Jan. 2015. < "Hearing Loss and Headphones - Is Anyone Listening?" Hearing Loss and Headphones - Is Anyone Listening? Web. 7 Jan. 2015. <>. NIHL is noise induced hearing loss and that means that someone lost their hearing because of listening to dangerously loud sounds. To prevent NIHL set your total volume on your device to 60%. Also wear ear plugs when involved in loud activities and be aware that sounds over 85 decibles cause ear dameage Don't listen to really loud noise because the damage done is irreparable. -One in five american teenagers already suffer from NIHL -You can start to suffer hearing loss after listening to 120 decibels after 1 hr. & 15 min.- you should only use MP3 devices at levels up to 60% of maximum volume for a total of 60 minutes a day
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