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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 NASA Space Spinoffs -Memory Foam:Consumer, Home,Recreation:In the 1970's Nasa set out to improve seat cushioning and crash protection: Website where I got it is -Space Shuttle Heat Shield:Consumer, Home,Recreation:People who deal with jewelry don't have to worry about inhaling dangerous asbestos fibers. They use the space shuttle shield for jewelry design: Website where I got is -Invisable Braces: Medical: This happened when " A company called Ceradyne developed TPA in conjunction with NASA Advanced Ceramics Research to protect the infrared antennae of heat-seeking missile trackers.": Website where Ifound this is -First Satellite to orbit earth: October 4, 1957:Soviet union launched it, It was called Sputnik, weighed about 184 pounds, event triggered the space race-First Human In space:April 12, 1961:Yuri Gagarin, Riding on Soviet Vostok 1-First American in space: May 5, 1961: Alan Shepard, On a 15 minute 28 second sub orbital flight on freedom 7-First American to orbit earth: February 20, 1962:John Glenn, Circled earth 3 times in 4 hours 56 minutes, At age 77, became oldest person to fly in space- First women in space: June 16, 1963: Soviets launchedValentina Tereshkova on Vostok 6, spent 3 days alone inspace-First space walk: March 18, 1965: Cosmonaunt AlexeiLeonov, A 10 minute thered excursion outside Voshkod 2-First deaths in space: January 27, 1967: During a test on launchpad, killed Virgil Grissom, ed White, Roger Chaffee -First moon landing: July 20, 1969: Apollo 11 flight, Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon-First space rescue: April 13, 1970:Oxygen tank exploded aboard Apollo 13, With the help from mission control thecrew returned back home safely 4 days later-First space station: April 19, 1971: first space station, Soviets launched Salyut 1, original crew died during re-entry, spent 25 days in space-First American space station: May 14, 1973: Skylab was the name, damaged during launch, The first of 3 crews arrive 11 days later for a 28 day stay-First Mars landing: July 20, 1976: Viking 1, unmanned scientific probe controlled by scientists on earth,transmitted first pictures from the surface of mars-First American women in space: June 18, 1983: Sally ride,part of the crew for the 7th space shuttle flight-First African-American in space: August 30, 1983: Gunion Bluford-First Civilian death: January 28, 1986: The space challengerexplodes, Kills all seven crew members including ChristaMcAuliffe the first teacher in space Interesting Facts: -The first person in space wasn't from America-The first women in space wasn'tfrom America-The first mars landing wasdone in 1976 -They use a space shuttle heat shield for jewelry design-The first women in spacespent three days alone-There was a teacher that went into space double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally.
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