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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 According to the graph Africa needs the most water in the world. Africa only has 245 millon gallons of water they use a year and a place like the U.S. has 1,861 millon gallons they use a year. A team of researchers has come up with just such a possible solution using "super sand," or sand coated in an oxide of graphite(15 Concepts and Solutions for Providing Clean Drinking Water). The super sand cleans the water for cheap by putting the sand in the water then it purifies the water. They will do not have to buy any 1,000 dollar machines or drills. A lot of people will get clean water from this and for cheap if you have access to it. A substance from the seeds of the miracle tree, or Moringa oleifera, was able to clean water(15 Concepts and Solutions for Providing Clean Drinking Water).The substance in the miracle tree cleans the water. Since the tree already grows they will already have the plant but it is a expensive method.A lot of people will get clean water from this trees substance if they have the money. "Spinning on the merri-go-round, clean water is pumped from an underground well into a 2,500-liter tank which is built seven meters above the ground. "A simple tap makes it easy for adults and children to draw water,"(15 Concepts and Solutions for Providing Clean Drinking Water). This idea includes kids playing and well having fun they pump water. Kids in Africa can pump water well playing they will pull up water well walking round and spinning the bar. If these pumps are installed then it will bring water to a lot of people. What is the best way to provide access to clean water to the greatest number of people? Since my claim is what is the best way to provide access to clean water to the greatest number of people i can only chose the best idea so its super sand. Super sand is cheapto get and it works really well also it is already being used in Africa so its a good method.
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